68. We can infer that the Montrose School ____________. A. has daily homerooms for discussion on how to enhance character education B. focuses on 12 core values of character education C. provides many training opportunities for schoolteachers D. helps students both academically and morally
69. Why did Wake County Public Schools include members of the community?____ A. To teach the school’s moral values to the community. B. To provide opportunities for service to the community. C. To ensure that values taught represented the community. D. To give a private education to children in the community.
70. According to the author, what kind of schools does everyone yearn for?___ A. Schools that have moral education. B. Schools that are more respectful to students. C. Schools that emphasize more parental involvement. D. Schools that offer a more caring environment.
71. Lower academic achievement is closely linked to all of the following EXCEPT __________. A. violence and illegal behavior B. commitment to school C. poverty and community risk D. absence of social skills
72. According to the researcher, in order to achieve the state’s learning goals, we need prevention programs that should be started ___________. A. when students can read B. when students are in kindergarten C. when students enter schools D. when students enter universities
73. We can infer from Paragraph 3 that about ___________ of young students are not involved in bad behaviors. A. 20—40% B. 30—50% C. 40—60% D. 60—80%
74. According to the passage, what is to be a shared responsibility?____ A. Making schools better for young people. B. Making young people better than before. C. Ending substance abuse at our schools. D. Demonstrating the effects of community.
75.Which of the following is probably the best title for this passage?____ A. Social Environment and Academic Achievement. B. Community Participation and Academic Achievement. C. Substance Abuse and Academic Achievement. D. Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement.
76. The author was often annoyed for he had to do something that _________. A. made him feel just like a kid B. made him feel bad all of the time C. kept him away from his friends sometimes D. was also being done by his friends
77. On Saturdays, the author ____________. A. played soccer, basketball and tennis B. took piano, dance and violin classes C. tutored special-needs children D. attended classes held by university
78. The author suggested that you should attend extra courses in order to _________. A. get good grades and high scores. B. save money and time C. be different and better D. get into a good college
79. The word “focus on” (underlined in the last paragraph) probably means _________. A. to fix one’s eyes on one point B. to arrange the camera lens on one point C. to give a lot of attention to one particular subject D. to take care to do something special
80. It can be inferred from the passage that __________. A. the author does not like the education he had received as a child B. knowledge from outside class is very necessary for college admission C. the author was much more intelligent than his brother and sister D. parents’ involvement makes children depend on their parents
1. The best title for the passage would be _________. A.Iceland B.The Continents and Oceans C.The Still Unknown Continent D.The Ice Age
2.“Until recent times unknown to man” in paragraph I means that ________. A.no man has been to the Antarctica recently B.we knew nothing about this large continent till that time C.a great landmass is still not known to man till today D.our knowledge of Antarctica was very limited at the time this article was written