53. The merchant suggested that the man should . A. buy a new umbrella B. go on looking for his umbrella C. write another and better advertisement D. report to the police
54. “If it fails, I’ll buy you a new one” suggested that . A. he was quite sure of success B. he was not sure he would get the umbrella back C. he was rich enough to afford a new umbrella D. he did not know what to do
55. This is a story about . A. a useless advertisement B. how to make an effective advertisement C. how the man lost and found his umbrella D. what the merchant did for the umbrella owner
56. In paragraph 1, the world “properly” most probably means . A. cleverly B. correctly C. gracefully D. perfectly
57. You may lose your weight . A. after sweating because of water loss B. after doing waist exercise properly C. if you don’t replace water again D. if you get overheat
58. Why will one weigh less after doing exercises for a period of time? A. Because one will lose water during exercise. B. Because one will lose fat during exercise. C. Because one will lose strength during exercise. D. Because one will lose muscles during exercise.
59. According to the passage, which of the following is true? A. The best way to exercise is using the muscles as often as you can. B. Daily exercise is the best way to keep fit. C. Sweating helps you reduce your weight. D. After doing 48—72 hours’ exercises, you must use the muscles again to keep fit.
60. The main idea of this passage is that . A. exercise is very important for everyone B. exercise only twice a week is not enough C. you should learn the suitable method of doing exercises D. exercise burns fat from all over the body
61. What the author is most concerned about is _________. A. how to make children pleased B. how to show children true love C. how to educate his children D. how to meet children’s needs
62. The author quite often refused when his kids asked for the newest clothing _________. A. made by a famous designer B. made by a designer manually C. designed by a foreigner D. designed by a skillful tailor
63. The sentence in Paragraph 2, “I would find it hard to imagine a happier childhood” means__________. A. his childhood was much happier than he could imagine B. he had a happy childhood in spite of poverty C. it’s hard to imagine whether he has had a happy childhood D. he didn’t have a happy childhood because of poverty
64. According to Paragraph 3, it can be inferred that _________. A. it’s good for children to live with material wealth B. it’s important to provide children with material wealth C. material wealth does not necessarily bring children the feeling of happiness D. material wealth given to children will remain for life
65. Which of the following is supposed to be done to give children love?_____ A. To bring them some gifts. B. To become a family counselor. C. To buy our children’s affection. D. To give them attentiveness.
66.Judging from the passage, what’s the writer’s attitude toward “character education”?_____ A. Positive B. Confused C. Critical D. Negative
67. What does “a waiting list of 500 students” (underlined in Paragraph 2) probably mean?_____ A. A list of 500 students studying for degrees. B. A list of 500 students registering for courses. C. A list of 500 students waiting for graduation. D. A list of 500 students waiting for admission.