The caterpillars (毛虫) _______ a wide range of trees, shrubs and plants.(本题1.5分) A、 eat on B、 raise on C、 live by D、 feed on
That color of the dress doesn’t _______ her.(本题1.5分) A、 fit B、 fit for C、 suit D、 suit for
I hurt my arm on the stone that sticks _______ from the wall.(本题1.5分) A、 up B、 out C、 to D、 above
_______they saw in China made a deep impression on them.(本题1.5分) A、 That B、 Which C、 What D、 All that
They.ve _______ her to be operated on by the best doctors.(本题1.5分) A、 arranged to B、 arranged of C、 arranged in D、 arranged with
He often watches TV, but _______ goes to the movies.(本题1.5分) A、 ever B、 seldom C、 once D、 usually
It has been over a century _______ the railway was completed.(本题1.5分) A、 when B、 once C、 which D、 since
According to the author, “perseverance” means ________.(本题1.5分) A、 “I think I can.” B、 it doesn’t matter if we are slow. C、 never to give up. D、 to experience a hard time.
According to the author, compassion may be the queen of American virtues because ________.(本题1.5分) A、 it is the virtue Americans respect most B、 it is as noble as a queen C、 it is from the Bible D、 it is showed by the “the Good Samaritan”
What’s the author’s purpose of telling the story of Florida’s hurricane?(本题1.5分) A、 To show how people help each other in America. B、 To show how Floridians suffered from the hurricane seriously. C、 To give an example of compassion. D、 To show water is in great need for Floridians hit by hurricane.
According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?(本题1.5分) A、 Florida helped the Midwest because the Midwest helped it before. B、 Compassion could hardly be a positive cycle. C、 Florida was grateful to what Iowa had done. D、 Most Americans pay no attention to the kindnesses shown to them.
According to the author, moral values are ________.(本题1.5分) A、 respectful B、 of great values C、 of no value D、 less dramatic
The best title for this selection is ________.(本题1.5分) A、 The Art of Patience B、 Patience and Perspective C、 Become More Patient D、 The Effective Ways to Patience
Which of the following is not TRUE?(本题1.5分) A、 Creating actual practice periods is the only effective way to deepen patience. B、 Our intention may strengthen our capacity for patience. C、 Success feeds on patience. D、 We can deepen our patience by practice.
According to the passage, if we want to be patient, ________.(本题1.5分) A、 we should have 5-minute practice everyday B、 we should reach little milestones—five minutes of successful patience first C、 we could create actual practice periods and practice D、 We should be perspective