Practice Instructions:You have found an electronic dictionary and want to return it to its owner.Write a notice of Found to clearly state: 1.the time and place of your finding; 2.the feature of the dictionary; 3.your information for contact.
5.It may have been at Christmas___John gave Mary a handbag. A. before B. that C.who D. when
4.____was very____that little Jim wrote the letter. A.It;careful B.He;careful C. It;carefully D. He; carefully
3. It was____she was about to go to bed_____the telephone rang. A.when;when B.that;that C.when;that D.that;when
2._____that caused him to serve dinner an hour later than usual. A. It was we being late B.It was we were too late. C.It was our being late D.It was because we were late
1.It was the next morning____he woke up. A. when B.that C. as D. which
5.-You should get used to the new job soon. --______ A.I don.t know B.I.m serious C.Not at all D.That.s easy for you to say
4.-I.m tired of your complaints. -Just listen to me._____ A. I.m serious B.What a pleasure C.I don.t know D.Thanks a lot
3.-Sorry.I.ll make it up to you someday.. -____ A.My pleasure B.Very well C.You are all talk and no action D.Nice to meet you
2.-I.m not at all pleased by your negligence. --_____ A.We felt terribly sorry B.Fine,thank you C.Very well D.Not too bad
1.-I really hate waiting. --____I had something urgent just now. A.No more B.Excuse me C.I.m sorry D.Never again
Please translate the following passage into Chinese. The brain doesn.t shut down overnight.In fact,catching some zzz.s can dramatically improve learning.That.s because as we sleep,our brains store memories and new information from the previous day.So a poor night.s sleep can hurt our ability to remember new things.
5.My neighbour is very______-she tells me all the news.(chat)
4.His fan base is____middle-aged ladies.(most)
3.Relax as much as possible and keep breathing_____ (steady)