[选择题,2分] Rapport to most of us (Americans) is less important than performance. A. Whether a person is successful is most important. B. Friendly relationship is not as important as performing skills C. One’s achievement is more important than his relationship with us. D. What one says in his report is more important than what he has achieved
[选择题,2分] His mind had already cracked with thirst . A. He had already lost control of himself because of thirst. B. He had to make good use of his mind because of thirst C. He was so thirty that he tried to make full use of his mind. D. He was so thirty that he could not manage to think of anything.
[选择题,2分] I looked at the men , and I thought my eyes were going. .A. I looked at the men ,then I looked at something else. B. I’m afraid to look at the men , so I tried not to not to look at them any more. C. When I looked at the men , I realized that my eyesight was declining D. Since I made great efforts to see them clearly, I knew that my eyesight was declining.
[选择题,2分] But overindulging children with material things does little to lessen parental guilt. A. But overindulging children with material things can really help parents to lessen their B. But overindulging children with material things cannot release the parents from feeling gu C. Parents really want to use the material things to content their children and get fid of D. If they overindulging children with few material things, parents can not lessen their guil
[选择题,2分] Practice responding to your children’s requests in a prompt, definite manner. A. Practice responding to your children’s requests without delaying and vacillating between B. Practice saying “yes” and “no” to your children quickly C. Train yourself speak in a quick manner D. Do not respond to your children’s requests without delay.
[选择题,2分] You no longer need to make mental conversions of the country `s money. A. You needn`t change the country’s money to your country’s money in mind because you have ad B. You needn`t change the country’s money to yours in mind because you no longer return it. C. You needn`t change the country’s money to yours in mind because you can calculate it witho D. You needn`t change the country’s money to yours in mind because you have tried to do that
[选择题,2分] It usually takes a trip home to bring one back to reality. A. Usually one has to pay a visit to his home country before he knows that his home country B. Usually one has to take a trip away from before he knows that his home country is not perf C. Usually one has to pay a visit to his home country before he knows that his home country i D. Usually one has to take a trip away from home country before he knows that his home count
[选择题,2分] Romance is the privilege of the rich, not the profession of the unemployed. A. A rich person who doesn’t have a job can still have the right to fall in love. B. Only rich people have the right to fall in love, while those who are poor and out of work C. Rich as a person is, if he lose his job, he doesn’t have the right to fall in love. D. Poor as a person is, if he is not out of work, he still has the right to fall in love.
[选择题,2分] They did not seem to realize what the poison of Nazism was doing to them. A. They did not seem to realize the great harm that Nazism was doing to them. B. They did not seem to realize the great harm that poisonous gas developed by Nazism.. C. They did not seem to realize what kind of poisonous gas Nazists were developing. D. They did not seem to realize that the Nazusts weere developing a kind of poisonous gas.
[选择题,2分] In the American system of values, patience is not a hgh priority. A. Among the Anerican values , patience is not considered very necessry. B. Among the Anerican values , patience is not considered very good. C. Among the Anerican values , patience is not considered very useful. D. Among the Anerican values , patience is not considered very important.
[选择题,2分] It seem, nowadays , a matter of universal desire that poverty should be abolished. A. Nowadays the world is confronting with the serious problem of proverty. B. Nowadays it seems that a large number of people are still living in proverty C. Nowadays people express their desir that they will not live in proverty. D. Nowadayspeople all over theworld seem to have a common wish we should do away withpoverty
[选择题,2分] Istared at the canteen as if it were a mirage. A. i imagined seeing a canteen. B. i looked at the canteen closely. C. i knew there wasn`t a canteen actually. D. i couldn`t believe that the canteen was still there.
[选择题,2分] I had deliberately got myself into this jam. A. i had put myself into trouble. B. i came to the Gestapo Headquarters on purpose to get myself arrested. C. Unexpectedly, Imet a traffic jan on the way to the airport. D. I got held up by the Gestapo officials at the airport.
[选择题,2分] The wash she had returned was her last effort on this earth. A. she nade her last effort to return the clothes to us. B. she returned the last bag of clothes she washed in her life to us. C. she hardlu had any more strength to wash more clothes after she retureed the clothes to us D. she gave up washing clothes for others after she returned the clothes to us.
[选择题,2分] It was an insult not only to the old woman but to all mother . A. the faithless son hurt not only his mother but also all other mothers. B. the faithless son disppointed not only his mother but aslso all the other mothers. C. not only the old mowan but also all the other mothers felt the son was faithless behavior. D. NOT ONLY THE OLD WOMAN BUT ALSO THE OTHER MOTHERS FELT THE SON WAS FAITHLESS.