73.What you do in your spare time is your own _______. However, it should not be harmful to others. A. business C. bargain B. purchase D. sale
74.As a gardener, Jim has to water the flowers and ________ the grass in the garden every morning. A. trim C. refine B. improve D. repair
75.The firemen are still ________ the small fires started by the plane crash. A. taking off C. getting along with B. setting aside D. putting out
76.He didn’t live up to ________ had been expected of him. A. that C. which B. what D. all
77.The old couple decided to ______ a boy and a girl though they had three of their own. A. adapt C. receive B. bring D. adopt
78.The relationship between employers and employees has been studied ______. A. originally C. violently B. extremely D. intensively
79.The car _____ halfway for no reason. A. broke off C. broke up B. broke down D. broke out
80.The police ________ that he committed a series of crimes in the north of the city. A. swelled C. surveyed B. submitted D. suspected
1.The best title for the passage would be ________. A. Iceland B. The Continents and Oceans C. The Still Unknown Continent D. The Ice Age
2.“Until recent times unknown to man” in paragraph I means that _________. A. no man has been to the Antarctica recently B. we knew nothing about this large continent till that time C. a great landmass is still not known to man till today D. our knowledge of Antarctica was very limited at the time this article was written
3.Antarctica is bordered by _________. A. the Pacific Ocean B. the Indian Ocean C. the Atlantic Ocean D. all the three
4.Antarctica is made unlivable mainly by __________. A. cold air B. calm seas C. ice D. little knowledge about the continent
5.According to this article _________. A. 2000 people live on the Antarctic Continent B. A million people live within 200 miles of the South Pole C. Weather conditions within 200 miles of the South Pole makes settlements impossible D. Only a few natives live in the Antarctica
6.According to the passage, the writer ________. A. was quite different from other important people B. was similar to other important people C. liked good-looking girls D. was very afraid of public opinion
7.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?__ A. The writer was shy man. B. The girl was brave. C. The cottage was big. D. The mother was good at teaching her daughter.