原文:Since World War II, the U.S. has been the world.s largest economy and , in most years, the world.s largest exporter. 译文:自从第二次世界大战以来,美国一直是世界上最大的经济。在大多数年代中,它又是世界上最大的出口国。
原文: The Industrial Revolution is a long train of changes starting about 1760. 译文:工业革命是指从1760年开始的一长串的变化。
原文: All this suggested ancient harmonies. 译文:这一切都表明了古代的和谐气氛。
原文: The great promise of trade is its potential to promote mutual prosperity. 译文:贸易的最大保证是其促进相互繁荣的可能性
原文: China’s Strong Economic Performance 译文:中国在经济上的强大表现
原文: The city contains many fine examples of early Australian architecture. 译文:这个城市包含许多澳大利亚早期建筑。
原文: Of course, building a modern economy carries costs too. 译文:当然,建立现代经济承担成本
] 原文: But in an old man who has known human joys and sorrows, and has achieved whatever work it was in him to do, the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble. 译文:但是对老年人来说,他知道了人生的酸甜苦辣,自己能做的事情都做到了,怕死就未免有些可鄙,有些不光彩了。
原文: I warmly welcome those reforms and that success. 译文:我热烈欢迎这些改革。
原文: Total Chinese trade has also risen dramatically. 译文:中国的总贸易额也戏剧性地增长。
原文: As recently as the early 1960s, the phrase “environmental law” would probably have produced little more than a puzzled look, even from many lawyers. 译文:在六十年代初左右,“环保法”这个词儿可能只会让人感到纳闷,即使对许多律师也是如此。
原文: I remember my childhood names for grasses and secret flowers. 译文:我记得儿时给各种小草取的名字以及花的秘密。
原文: Yet there was a bigger movement in the air by 1750. 译文:然而,到了1750年,一场更大的运动已经在空中了。