Online degree programs are most appropriate to __________.(本题1.0分) A、 the people who are unemployed B、 the people who lack time management skills C、 the people who have more free time D、 the people who want to earn an advanced degree but busy with their own business
Which of the following is NOT included in the successful distance learners’ characteristics?(本题1.0分) A、 Being self-motivated. B、 Being self-disciplined. C、 Being with good reading comprehension skills. D、 Being easy to distract attention.
If putting off his work too often, what will happen to this student?(本题1.0分) A、 An entire class will wait for him. B、 The professor will punish him. C、 He has to postpone his graduation. D、 Nothing will happen to him.
The phrase “filter out” in the last paragraph means __________.(本题1.0分) A、 choosing something to learn B、 getting rid of the disturbances C、 working out a plan D、 solving the problem
What we can infer from this passage is that __________.(本题1.0分) A、 distance learners will never refuse the invitation for coming out because they are free B、 only with written texts provided by online class, reading comprehension skills are very important to distance learners C、 traditional learners can enjoy the freedom of working at their own pace D、 even without good reading comprehension, traditional learners still can make progress with the help of teacher
Based on this passage, the author intends to tell us that __________.(本题1.0分) A、 online learning is the perfect option for everyone B、 no one would like to enroll at a traditional school C、 learners must consider whether they have the qualities to attend online classes before making their decision D、 online learning will take the place of traditional school in future
The team of doctors wanted to find out __________.(本题1.0分) A、 why certain people age sooner than others B、 how to make people live longer C、 the size of certain people’s brains D、 which people are most intelligent
What are their research findings based on?(本题1.0分) A、 A survey of farmers in northern Japan. B、 Tests performed on a thousand old people. C、 The study of brain volumes of different people. D、 The latest development of computer technology.
The doctor’s tests show that __________.(本题1.0分) A、 our brains shrink as we grow older B、 the front section of the brain does not shrink C、 sixty-year-olds have better brains than thirty-year-olds D、 some people’s brains have contracted more than other people’s
The word “subjects” in paragraph 5 means__________.(本题1.0分) A、 something to be considered B、 branches of knowledge studied C、 persons chosen to be studied in an experiment D、 any member of a state except the supreme ruler
According to the passage, which people seem to age slower than the others?(本题1.0分) A、 Lawyers. B、 Farmers. C、 Clerks. D、 Shop assistants.
According to the author, which of the following statements is TRUE?(本题1.0分) A、 Great soccer players are born, not made. B、 Truly great players are rare. C、 Only six countries have ever had famous soccer stars. D、 Soccer is the least popular sport in North America and Asia
The word “tricks” at the end of Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to __________.(本题1.0分) A、 “experience” B、 “cheating” C、 “skills” D、 “training”
Pele is cited as an example in the second paragraph to illustrate that __________.(本题1.0分) A、 famous soccer players live in slum areas B、 people in poor areas are born with some unique quality C、 children in poor areas start playing football at the age of 3 or 4 D、 many great soccer players come from poor areas
From the statement “only one became Pele” in the last paragraph, we can learn that __________.(本题1.0分) A、 Pele is the greatest soccer player B、 the greatest players are born with some unique quality C、 Pele’s birthplace sets him apart from all the other players D、 the greatest players practice with “balls” made of rags