1. (单选题)Dell began a degree at the University of Texas in 1983, () to study medicine A. hoping B. with C. where D. who
2. (单选题)It is the place () you last saw you rwatch A. where B. who C. that D. about
3. (单选题)Shall I order beer, or is there () particular type you prefer? A. some B. and C. afford D. much
4. (单选题)focus () A. on B. in C. to D. but
5. (单选题)his son(should)come to () him A. see B. up C. to D. so
6. (单选题)John sc reamedout () pain when he burnt his fingers A. with B. doing C. good D. much
7. (单选题)At first this might sound () a conflicting statement. A. like B. cell C. prospect D. doing
8. (单选题)All great leaders share certain characteristics () must be seen as the key to their success A. which B. Jammed C. left D. have
9. (单选题)Life involves making () and changes A. decisions B. the C. love D. with
10. (单选题)Althoughthe most effective, television advertising is () more expensive thanadvertising on any other medium. A. much B. fascinating C. every D. good
11. (单选题)Crowds()the narrow sidewalks and overflowed Aa)into the street A. Jammed B. left C. have D. small
12. (单选题)above () else A. all B. that C. which D. Jammed
13. (单选题)Now that you have a computer and a () phone, we can communicate more easil A. cell B. prospect C. doing D. sth
14. (单选题)Career planning helps you to () your career possibilities A. shape B. love C. with D. where
15. (单选题)Some of the world.s most successful entrepreneurs () their business teeth on the playground. A. cut B. and C. in D. with