[单选题,8.3分] My journey back to my hometown seemed slow because the train stopped ______ at different villages. A.gradually B.continually C. continuously D. unceasingly
[单选题,8.3分] The scientist could hardly find sufficient grounds ______ his arguments in favor of the new theory. A. which to base on B. to base on C.to be based on D.on which to base
[单选题,8.3分] We didn.t go fishing yesterday because it all day. A. had rained B. would rain C.) had been raining D.was raining
多选题,8.3分] This question is very ______to answer for us. A.convenient B.formal C.difficult D.formidable
[多选题,8.3分] Let’s _______ reading the passage. A. contain B.continue C.go on D.go out E.get rid of
[多选题,8.7分] We finished the work_______. A.lonely B. alone C.by ourselves D. lone
[单选题,9分] The boy climbed up to the top of the mountain, he could see nothing but clouds. A. from that B. from which C. from where D. from what
[单选题,9分] Jimmy could hardly Mary because they work in the same company. A. avoid to meet B.not avoid to meet C.avoid meeting D.not avoid meeting
[单选题,9分] Not that I don.t want to help you, it.s beyond my power. A.for that B.and that C.but that D.in that
[单选题,9分] She offered a reward to would find her lost mobile phone. A.whoever B.who C.whomever D.whom
[单选题,9分] such a good chance, he planned to learn English more diligently. such a good chance, he planned to learn English more diligently A. Having been given B. Having given C.To be given D.Giving
[单选题,9分] I strongly object as it will do great harm to his health. A. to my son.s smoking B.to my son smoke C.my son to smoke D. my son smoke
[单选题,9分] So many people absent, they cancelled the meeting. A.have been B.were C.being D.had been
[多选题,9分] Run home_______. A.at once B.just now C.up to now D. right now E.now and then
[多选题,9分] We finished the work_______. A.lonely B. alone C.by ourselves D.lone