Every motorist dreams of a car of the future that does not have to be refueled every few hundred miles, a car that will cost little to run because there is no outlay on petrol.

“Of course”, you hear it said by an optimistic motorist, “the answer is the atom. Harness atomic power in a car, and you’ll have no more worries about petrol. The thing will run for years without a refill.”

And, theoretically, he is right. The answer is the atom. If atomic power could be used in a car, one small piece of uranium would keep the engine running for twenty or more years. Of course, this would cut the cost of running a car by quite a few hundred pounds, depending upon how much you spend on petrol.

But is this science-fiction-like picture of the atom exploding peacefully beneath the bonnet of a car possible? In theory it is, since already the atom has harnessed to drive submarines, and an atomic engine is already in existence. But, say the experts, there are many problems still to be conquered before such an engine can in fact be fixed into a car.

Now what exactly are these problems that stand between you and a car that you will never have to refuel? Frankly, most of them can be summed up in one word---radiation. An atomic reactor, the kind of engine that would produce energy by atom-splitting, throws off radiation, extremely dangerous radiation. These rays are just as dangerous as when they are released from an atomic bomb. This radiation penetrates anything except the thickest concrete and lead, with fatal results for anybody in its path. Thus, at the moment, any car carrying an atomic engine would also have to carry many tons of lead in order to prevent the radiation from escaping.

Since a car made up of lead is rather impracticable, the only answer at the moment seems to be the discovery or invention of a metal that will be strong enough to hold in the rays, but at the same time light for a vehicle to carry, with ease and economy. Most likely this metal would have to be synthetic, since no natal except lead has yet proved fit for the job. When this light metal is invented, the motoring world will on the way to an atomic car. However, even after the invention of a protective but light metal, two other problems still remain, those of economics and safety.

It is extremely doubtful whether at the beginning a really economic engine could be made, that is, one cheap enough to make it worth putting in a car. But it seems safe

to say that eventually, as technology and mass production come in atomic engines, the price will go down. This is basic economics, and manufactures should eventually be able something that will at least be cheaper than having to pay for petrol during the lifetime of the car.

But then this third problem still remains, that of safety. Suppose that there is a road accident involving one, or perhaps two, atomic cars, and that the atomic reactor or its protective covering were damaged. Any explosion would be equal to that of a very small atomic bomb. The effects of such an explosion would be felt for several miles around. As will be realized, this is perhaps the biggest problem of all to overcome. Is it possible to make an atomic engine that will be really safe in every circumstance?

(5.2分)5.2 分
(1) [单选题] (1.0分)
According to the passage an atomic car is __________.

A、theoretically possible
B、 only science-fiction
C、 only a matter of time
D、nothing but a dream
正确答案:A 我的答案:A
(2) [单选题] (1.0分)
One of the biggest problems in manufacturing an atomic car is__________.

A、its high cost
B、protection against radiation
C、the size of the atomic engine
D、the weight of the atomic engine
正确答案:B 我的答案:B
(3) [单选题] (1.0分)
The motoring world will be well on the way to an atomic car once we have__________.

A、a cheap synthetic metal
B、 a light strong metal
C、a protective but light metal
D、 a strong synthetic metal
正确答案:C 我的答案:C
(4) [单选题] (1.0分)
Another important issue for atomic cars is ___________.

A、 the danger of an atomic explosion resulting from a traffic accident
B、the quality of manufacturing technology
C、 the practicability of mass production
D、he lifetime of such cars
正确答案:A 我的答案:A
(5) [单选题] (1.2分)
The author.s attitude towards atomic cars is_________.

D、 neutral
正确答案:B 我的答案:B
