A question that often troubles food companies is how to control problems like rats and insects without harming the food. Pest control experts say poisons should never be used where they may enter food. They say the first line of defense against pests is to clean the
places where the food is handled or stored.
Floors,food preparation surfaces and tools can be disinfected with chemicals like chlorine,iodine or bromine. Food containers should be stored about half a meter off the ground and about half a meter away from any walls. Storage areas should be kept dry and
Containers for raw materials such as rice,wheat,etc. should be kept closed and clean. Any foodstuff split during delivery or handling should be cleared up both inside and outside the building. Pests enter a building from the outside, so pay attention to outer walls. Small stones can be used to cover the ground and block the growth of plants and the grass should
be kept short to deny pests a place to live.
Check that doors and windows are completely closed. Also any hole that might allow pests to enter a building should be filled. Rats can enter through a hole the size of a coin. A
mouse can pass through a hole half that size.

Supervisors should make a list of pest control measures to be taken by employees. This will aid the efforts and also help prepare for any inspections. In most countries,there is a food and drug administration bureau,or some agency with a similar name,which enforces rules nationwide,responsible for rules about the use of pesticides,etc. However,businesses where food is stored,prepared or sold must also follow state and local health laws. Most of these governmental departments or bureaus have their websites with information about food
safety policies and other issues. People can easily access the information.
26. According to pest control experts,poisons should never be used as they may enter
27. Food preparation surfaces and tools should be kept clean.
28. Outer walls are used to stop pests from entering a building from the outside.
29. People can easily access the information about food safety policies from the
government departments and bureaus.
30. The main idea of the passage is how to prevent plants and grass from growing.
