I really( ) go back to work tomorrow, but I feel so ill that I’ve decided to stay in bed for a few more days. 选项 A: ought to B: can C: might D: may
Hearing aids make( )possible for people with hearing problems to u. se the telephone and even to listen to music. 选项 A: that B: what C: it D: which
Manufacturing is Canada’s most important economic activity, ______________ 17 percent of the workforce. 选项 A: to engage B: engages C: engaging D: engaged
I( )read a great deal though I don’t have much time for books now. 选项 A: used to B: have used to C: am used to D: was used to
It is desirable that water used for drinking( ) pure. 选项 A: were B: should be C: is D: ought to be
No one knows a child’s( )towards fatness is inherited or due to the food he eats. 选项 A: tendency B: trend C: intention D: inclination
A series of attempts( )made, he came to a successful solution to the problem. 选项 A: to be B: had been C: were D: having been
Music is the only language( )you never say a mean or sarcastic thing. 选项 A: for that B: in which C:that D: which
I am afraid your paper is not closely related________ the topic given. 选项 A: to B: of C: for D: about
One reason for the present interest in both polar regions is that the world may soon be _________ fresh water. 选项 A: deprived of B: cut of C: short of D: empty of
As a developing country, China must ( ) the rapid development of world economy. 选项 A: meet with B: catch hold of C: keep pace with D: get on with
We should always bear in mind that ( ) decisions often result in serious consequences. 选项 A: emergent B: urgent C: spontaneous D: hasty
He( ) the idea that he couldn’t do the job and was determined to show them that he was qualified for it. 选项 A: refused B: declined C: rejected D: opposed
Mary could do( )but leave although she would have liked to stay and continue talking with him 选项 A: something B: anything C: everything D: nothing
“Appearance is essential,” he said. Each morning he put on clean socks,( ) fresh white shirt. 选项 A: pressed B: pressing C: presses D: press