The self-important manager didn’t seem to attach much importance to my advice . [ 1 分 ] A. apply B. consider C. judge D. give
、 She dieted constantly to keep her youthful figure. [ 1 分 ] A. reserve B. preserve C. trim D. restrain
A person tends to overlook his own shortcoming though he may see others’ shortcoming easily. [ 1 分 ] A. oversee B. look over C. forgive D. fail to see
Ann left off sobbing at last, and dried her eyes with her handkerchief. [ 1 分 ] A. stopped B. went away C. continued D. started
“Only a naïve person would believe such a story about intelligent beings from outer space visiting the earth,” said Jason. [ 1 分 ] A. credible B. innocent C. credulous D. ignorant
He nodded his head instead of saying anything lest his voice should betray him. [ 1 分 ] A. reveal his real identity B. tell his real intention C. fail him D. embarrass him
Do you really think that he is justified in receiving kickbacks in business dealings? [ 1 分 ] A. has good reasons for B. is inexcusable in C. is privileged to D. has legal protection in
The method I shall summarize below is the one I have found most successful. [ 1 分 ] A. outline B. describe C. elaborate D. expound
、 Mr. Cronin denied ever having made any statement to that effect. [ 1 分 ] A. disapproved B. refused to admit C. disproved D. denounced
The bridge club rejected his application for membership. [ 1 分 ] A. refused to consider B. refused to use C. refused to give D. refused to believe
Just before taking off, the pilot once more asked about weather conditions. [ 1 分 ] A. inquired B. required C. requested D. demanded
The driver stopped at the crossroad as the traffic lights flashed reD. [ 1 分 ] A. pulled off B. pulled up C. pulled away D. pulled round
、 She was tired of continual trips to the grocery, school and office. [ 1 分 ] A. continuous B. continued C. repeated D. constant
、 She undertook to verify the true source of the rumor. [ 1 分 ] A. decided B. tried C. refused D. promised
、 Improved consumer confidence is crucial to an economic recovery. [ 1 分 ] A. of little importance B. of critical importance C. necessary D. unnecessary