1.——I wonder if I could use your dictionary? ——Sure. _____.得分:5分 A.Go on. B.Go ahead. C.Go up. D.Go away.
2.——I am sorry for what I have said to you. ——_____.得分:5分 A.It’s just too bad. B.No problem. C.Don’t think any more about it. D.I’m sure about that.
3.——Mike, I am going to skate in the mountains tomorrow. ——Oh, really? _____.得分:5分 A.Good luck. B.Great. C.Have a good time. D.Congratulations.
4.——Good-bye and thank you very much for a wonderful time. ——_____. Hope to see you again.得分:5分 A.Thank you, too. B.It was a pleasure. C.It was nothing. D.Never mind.
5.To pay for the large cake the old man _____ five dollars on the counter.得分:5分 A.counted out B.counted on C.counted down D.counted against
6.Building that railway was very difficult and involved _____ ten tunnels.得分:5分 A.dig B.throwing C.to have thrown D.having thrown
——Would you mind if I turned the radio up? ——_____.得分:5分 A.Yes, please B.No, go right ahead C.No, thank you D.Yes, that’ll be right
.My brother has decided to _____ his job in an advertisement company recently because of his poor health.得分:5分 A.stop B.finish C.complete D.quit
.If you go around with _____ shoulders in this heat you will get burned.得分:5分 A.bare B.hollow C.naked D.empty
.——Please help yourself to the fish. ——_____.得分:5分 A.Thanks, but I don’t like fish. B.Sorry, I can’t help. C.Well, fish don’t suit for me. D.No, I can’t.
——We are going to London for holiday next week. Would you mind taking care of my garden while we’re away? ——Not at all. _____.得分:5分 A.Sorry, I have no time. B.I’d rather not. C.With pleasure. D.No, I wouldn’t.
——I’d like to invite you to dinner this Saturday, Mr. Wang. ——_____.得分:5分 A.Oh, no. Let’s not B.I’d rather stay at home C.I’m glad to, but I have other plans D.Thank you
——Excuse me, is there a park here? ——_____. ——Thank you all the same.得分:5分 A.I don’t know B.Yes, there is C.No, there isn’t D.Sorry, I don’t know
.Even after repeated warnings Mr. Lewis still _____ on playing his music extremely loud.得分:5分 A.insisted B.assisted C.persisted D.consisted
.His explanation was too difficult to understand and the children all became _____.得分:5分 A.confused B.confuse C.confusing D.to confuse