1. (单选题) Linda is not interested in political __________.(本题2.0分) A、 issues B、 problems C、 questions D、 puzzles
2. (单选题) He sent the company an application letter, with his resumè_________.( )(本题2.0分) A、 enclosing B、 to be enclosed C、 having enclosed D、 enclosed
3. (单选题) –How about your journey in Tibet? – _________________(本题2.0分) A、 It’s very so-so. B、 I’m very tired. C、 Thanks for asking. D、 It’s wonderful.
4. (单选题) This new motor is three times as light as the old one.( )(本题2.0分) A、 新电机的重量比旧电机的重量轻1/3。 B、 新电机的重量只有旧电机的1/3。 C、 新电机的重量是旧电机的2/3。 D、 新电机的重量是旧电机的3倍。
5. (单选题) My friend is very clean. Her mind is open.( )(本题2.0分) A、 我朋友爱干净而且她的思想开明。 B、 我的朋友为人很单纯,她也很坦率。 C、 我朋友为人单纯而且坦率。 D、 我的朋友爱干净。她的思想也开明。
6. (单选题) As we know, education is about learning and the more you learn, ____________.(本题2.0分) A、 the more for life are you equipped B、 the more equipped for life you are C、 the more life you are equipped for D、 you are equipped the more for life
7. (单选题) He was _______ a line of slow-moving traffic.(本题2.0分) A、 lost in B、 interested in C、 indulged in D、 stuck in
8. (单选题) The only thing _____ really bothers students is whether they will have access to the resources room of the department.(本题2.0分) A、 that B、 what C、 which D、 where
9. (单选题) –I don’t know which major I should choose to study. – _________________(本题2.0分) A、 I have no idea. B、 Have you ever thought of computer science? C、 You ask a wrong person. D、 You don’t know at this moment
10. (单选题) —Would you mind if I read the book here? —________.(本题2.0分) A、 Certainly B、 Yes, please C、 Not at all D、 No, you.d better not
11. (单选题) – Would you like a cup of coffee? –(本题2.0分) A、 I dislike coffee. B、 It tastes terrible. C、 No, thanks. I’ve had at home. D、 Why not?
12. (单选题) _______ time, I wrote my paper on a computer.( )(本题2.0分) A、 To save B、 Save C、 Saving D、 Saved
13. (单选题) —Your English is quite good. — (本题2.0分) A、 No, my English is still poor. B、 I don’t think so. C、 Do you really think so? D、 Thank you.
14. (单选题) We don’t lie; we never have and never will.( )(本题2.0分) A、 我们没有说谎,我们从来没有,将来也决不会。 B、 我们没有说谎,我们从不说谎,将来也决不会说谎。 C、 我们没有说谎,我们从不说谎,将来也决不会。 D、 我们没有、从不、将来也决不会说谎。
15. (单选题) He left orders that nothing ______ until the police arrived.(本题2.0分) A、 was touched B、 had been touched C、 should be touched D、 were touched