Industrial cities such as Chicago and Detroit have severely ____ the waters of the Great Lakes.( )(本题1.0分)
A、 pollutions
B、 polluting
C、 pollutes
D、 polluted

The doctor’s report ____ that her death was due to heart disease.( )(本题1.0分)
A、 indicating
B、 indicated
C、 indicates
D、 will indicate

Medical researchers reached the ____ long ago that smoking is a serious hazard to health.( )(本题1.0分)
A、 decision
B、 investigation
C、 conclusion
D、 explanation

George Washington, the first President of the U.S., is known ____ the Father of His Country.( )(本题1.0分)
A、 for
B、 like
C、 as
D、 because

The fire that broke out in the plant during the night was still seen _____ a lot of smoke the next morning.( )(本题1.0分)
A、 giving off
B、 give off
C、 giving in
D、 give in

After walking for three hours we stopped _______ others catch ____ us.( )(本题1.0分)
A、 letting, up on
B、 to let, /
C、 to let, up with
D、 letting, up for

____ the south of Scotland is England, with London ____.( )(本题1.0分)
A、 On, of its capital
B、 To, as its capital
C、 In, its capital
D、 On, as its capital

After I bought the book, there was ______ five yuan _____.( )(本题1.0分)
A、 some, left
B、 about, leaving
C、 about, to leave
D、 some, leaving

His invention ______ a great prize.( )(本题1.0分)
A、 resulted to
B、 brought in
C、 resulted in
D、 was received

The police said that the fire ______ his carelessness.( )(本题1.0分)
A、 resulting in
B、 resulted from
C、 resulting from
D、 resulted in

I have 100 yuan, but that is ______ enough to buy the new panda gold coin.( )(本题1.0分)
A、 not almost
B、 not nearly
C、 nearly not
D、 almost not

The programs _____ TV last night were excellent.( )(本题1.0分)
A、 being broadcast
B、 broadcasting
C、 broadcast
D、 were broadcast

Only in this way _____ your headache.( )(本题1.0分)
A、 you can get rid of
B、 can you get round of
C、 you can get round of
D、 can you get rid of

Do you often go to school ______ bike or ____ foot?( )(本题1.0分)
A、 on, on
B、 by, by
C、 by, on
D、 on, by

How much sleep does a person need? 31 the physiological bases of the need for sleep remain conjectural, 32 conclusive answers to this question impossible, much evidence has been gathered on how much sleep people do in fact obtain. Perhaps the most important conclusion to be 33 from this evidence is 34 there is great variability among individuals in total sleep time. For adults, 35 between six and nine hours of sleep 36 a nightly average is not unusual, and 7.5 hours probably best 37 the norm. Such norms, of course, inevitably vary with the criteria of sleep employed. The most 38 and reliable figures on sleep time, including those 39 here, come from studies in sleep laboratories, where EEG criteria are employed.

_40___ consistently has been associated with the varying amount, quality, and 41 of electro-physi-logically defined sleep. The new born infant may spend an average of about 16 hours of each 24-hour period in sleep, 42 the sleep time 43 sharply; 44 two years of age, it may 45 from 9 to 12 hours. 46 to approximately six hours have been observed among the elderly.

_47___ will be discussed below, EEG sleep studies have indicated that sleep can be considered to 48 of several different stages. Developmental changes in the relative proportion of sleep time in these sleep time 49 in these sleep stages are as 50 as age-related changes in total sleep time.