_______ program also has potential benefits in parallel processing. A.Machine B.Assembly C.Object-oriented D.Process-oriented
( ) ________ allows an Internet user to connect to a distant computer and use that computer as if he or she were using it directly. A.WWW B.FTP C.E-mail D.Telnet
( ) Most major corporations today use special hardware and software called _______to control access to their internal computer networks. A.virus checkers B.firewalls C.gateways D.detection programs
( )_________ occupations now take the biggest share of employment in many industrial societies such as the United States and the United Kingdom. A.mechanical engineering B.information-based C.electrical engineering D.biological engineering
( ) Unauthorized copying—a form of theft—of programs for personal gain is called ___________. A.unauthorized access B.damage C.attack D.software piracy
The basic units of a computer system are as follows: _________ A.CPU, memory and disk B.CPU, input and output unit C.CPU, memory and I/O system D.CPU, memory and ALU
Today, _________ can give you a music synthesizer, a fax machine, a CD-ROM drive, ect. A.input devices B.expansion cards C.output device D.joystick
The control unit fetches _________ from memory and decodes them. A.data B.information C.results D.instructions
When power is removed, information in the semiconductor memory is ________ . A.reliable B.lost C.manipulated D.remain
Please find the item that is not belong to the DBA _________ . ( ) A.storage structure and access method definition B.schema definition C.integrity constrain specification D.DDL
________ is designed to manage large bodies of information. A.a file system B.a transaction C.a database system D.a database langua
A characteristic of operating system is _________ . A.resource management B.memory management C.error recovery D.all the above
Assembly-language instructions are a series of _________ . A.0s and 1s B.abstract codes C.machine codes D.words
( ) The term _______is used to describe an interlinked system of documents in which a user may jump from one document to another. A.hypertext B.hypermedia C.hyperlink D.HTTP
An advantage of a ring network is that it needs less _________ . A.computer B.network C.cable D.information