. Our country is no longer what it _____(单选)—4分 A used to be B would be C used to D is
2. How long did the concert ______ ?(单选)—4分 A go B last C take D make
3. The shoes are made in Wuxi City , ______ is famous for it.s products of light industry .(单选)—4分 A where B it C that D which
4. I ______ going for a walk after supper . Do you want to go together with me ?(单选)—4分 A had to be B would like C feel like D prefer to
5. In the end I ______ a good effort to pass the examination .(单选)—4分 A did B had C made D used
6. Although Linda tried hard in the exam ,she did ______ than her brother .(单选)—4分 A more badly B much better C much badly D much worse
7. The progress he has made in maths is much greater than ______ in English .(单选)—4分 A the one B that C he has D it
8. I.ll never do ______ .(单选)—4分 A things of this sort B these sorts of a thing C this sort of the thing D this sort of a thing
9. _____ seen ,it will never be forgotten.(单选)—4分 A Once B After C Though D Unless
10. ______ progress you have make this term!(单选)—4分 A How big B What great C How rapid D What a rapid
11. _____ of the two brothers would like to take _____ of the two apples on the table .(单选)—4分 A None ,the bigger B No one ,a bigger C Each ,the biggest D Neither ,the bigger
12. There are many islands______ the coast of China.(单选)—4分 A in B from C off D away
13. What.s the young man? ______ .(单选)—4分 A He is friendly B He.s a teacher C He.s fine D He.s Tom
14. Why have you changed so much ? You don.t know I ______ a hard life in the last ten years .(单选)—4分 A had B led C had lived D have led
15. Generally , the weather in Britain is_____ too cold in winter _____ too hot in summer .(单选)—4分 A not only ,but also B neither ,nor C either ,or D both ,and