1. Information can be presented__________through poor communication. 选择一项: A. exactly and clearly B. wrong and discouragingly C. understandingly and correctly
2. What are the incorrect steps for good communication skills? 选择一项: A. Know the content and the way of communication. B. Listen carefully and get to understand each other. C. Go on talking without stopping to listen to others.
3. Which is the proper way of communication when you finish your talking? 选择一项: A. Try to argue with your partner. B. Wait for your partner.s opinions and understanding. C. Present more information to your partner.
When you face different suggestions, you should do the following things EXCEPT__________. 选择一项: A. being open-minded to different views B. considering and appreciating different opinions C. refusing any changes
Which of the following statements is TRUE? 选择一项: A. Open-mindedness will not gain you more understanding and cooperation. B. Before speaking you need take time to consider your position. C. Don.t pay much attention to others.body language.
1. PPHC and Gooseneck want Elaine and Mark to  . 选择一项: A. make contact with and provide services to new parents B. be responsible for the community management C. visit different families
2. What degree does Elaine have? 选择一项: A. A physiology degree. B. A sociology degree. C. A psychology degree.
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? 选择一项: A. Elaine has done this type of community work before. B. Mark has a clear idea of his job after the training. C. Mark knows his training comes to an end.
4. How is Mark trained to be prepared for his work? 选择一项: A. He is told his duty and responsibility on his first day at work. B. He is taken to see the families together with experienced colleagues. C. He is asked to see the families that he is going to provide services.
5. What is the main idea of the passage? 选择一项: A. Different training ways. B. Elaine.s and Mark.s work experience. C. The importance of training.
What did Melinda and Helen ask about? 选择一项: a. The respondents.comment. b. The staff member.s service. c. The community training.
What was the respondents. comment on the service provided by the community center? 选择一项: a. Good. b. Bad. c. Not so good.
The respondents made such a comment because the staff member was________? 选择一项: a. rude and very slow in what he was doing b. not clear about what he was doing c. very familiar with the procedures
Was the staff member familiar with his duties? 选择一项: a. No. b. Not mentioned. c. Yes.
What action will the community service center take in the future? 选择一项: a. They.ll hold a meeting in the future. b. They.ll organize more staff training in the future. c. They.ll employ more staff members in the future.