4.To communicate precisely what you want to say, you have to frequently need to define key words.回答 A.要简明扼要地表达本意,就必须不断定义关键词。 B.只要定义频繁出现的关键词就能准确传达本意。 C.要准确表达你的本意,就必须不断定义关键词。
2.On the last day of the old year, there is a family dinner.回答 A.在老年人的最后日子,通常有一顿家庭餐。 B.在即将过去的一年的最后一天,会有一次家庭聚餐。 C.在过去的日子里,经常有家庭聚餐。
1.A new food market will be built in our community next month.回答 A.下个月我们社会就已经建了一个新的食物市场。 B.我们社区正在建一个新的菜市场。 C.下个月我们社区将新建一个菜市场。
阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 Successful and memorable events don’t just happen. Organizing and holding an event takes planning. Whether it’s an anniversary, a sporting event or a retirement party, and no matter how much time you have, your event’s success is in the details. There are some suggestions for you to hold a successful event.Decide upon your target audience.The first thing is you should know who your target audience is. From this all the other decisions will fall into place in terms of format, content, prices, location etc. Make a list of details.When you hold an event, you need to consider everything, from program content, lighting, food serving, transportation to parking and safety. Making a list will ensure you don’t overlook things. Have a clear purpose.When you plan an event, you should clearly define.its purpose, because the following decision should support it. Do not clash.Check the calendar.Don’t clash with holidays or popular vacation times. Know your limitations.You should be aware of your weakness such as budget or time. If you decide to hold an event in a week’s time, plan for a more familiar affair. If it’s a big event, prepare several months ahead. If the budget is small, you may have to a lot of do-it-yourself work. 1.Which of the following statement is NOT true according to the passage?回答 A. To know your target audience first helps you plan your event better. B. To check the calendar carefully will avoid time conflict. C. Know the limitation means you should know the audience’s limitation. 2.Which is not the factor of holding a successful event?回答 A.A clear purpose B.A list of details C.A invitation 3. According to the passage, what is the key factor to make your event successful?回答 A.Leadership. B.Details. C.Plenty of planning time. 4. What is the best title for this passage?回答 A. Details- the key to the success of an event. B. Successful and memorable events don’t just happen. C. How to plan successful events. 5. What is the purpose of making list of details?回答 A. Make sure not overlook things B.To follow decisions C.To have a clear purpose
________ a company really wants is a candidate ________ has the right skills. 选择一项: A. What…that B. That…what C. That…that
We should take the degree ________ account when we recruit a new secretary. (考点:take…into account) 选择一项: A. with B. into C. of
____ face-to-face interviews, questionnaires are cheaper for collecting data from a large number of respondents.(考点:动名词做主语) 选择一项: A. Compared to B. Comparing C. Compare
More than 30 people ______ the position. 选择一项: A. applied for B. applied to C. applied in
When reading the annual report, we should look out ______ the areas where the company did not comply with the regulations. 选择一项: A. at B. for C. on
He keeps on his focus on money. 选择一项: A. make B. made C. making
The more information you can get, in your field.(考点:the more…, the more…结构) 选择一项: A. the more competitive will you be B. you will be the more competitive C. the more competitive you will be
If I _____ you, I _____ more attention to the independent auditors’ report and financial statements in the annual report. 选择一项: A. was; shall pay B. am; will pay C. were; would pay
—Why do you look unhappy. What’s the matter? — . 选择一项: A. I’m satisfied with the good performance of the radio I’ve just bought. B. I’m glad to have bought this radio at such a price. C. I’m rather disappointed with the poor quality of the radio I’ve just bought.
5. Having patience with your customers and with yourself will go a long way in winning over hostile customers.回答 A. 对顾客和对自己有耐心将走很长的路才能赢得生气的顾客对你工作的支持。 B. 对顾客和对自己有耐心将在赢得生气的顾客对你工作的支持方面大有帮助。 C. 对顾客和对自己有耐心将会很难赢得生气的顾客对你工作的支持。
4. A few minutes later the doctor came out of his room for the third time.回答 A. 几分钟后,医生第三次从他的房间走出来。 B. 医生在迟到的几分钟后,终于从他的房间走出来为了第三名。 C. 几分钟后,医生来到他的房间第三次。