I work with other young volunteers in the Open University. 选择一项: 对 错
My research is related to the volunteering I do for another not-for-profit organization. 选择一项: 对 错
Without the volunteer work, I wouldn.t have my new career as a teacher. 选择一项: 对 错
1.volunteer 2.project 3.satisfaction 4.confidence 5.career 6.profit
The Organizing Committee will provide 回答 incidental at the center for three days including three dinners and 回答 incidental expenses during the conference.
Can I take your order, madam? —____________________. 选择一项: A. Yes, it.s as quiet as we expected B. Yes. I.d like an Italian soup to start with and then some fried noodles C. No, the price.s reasonable
1. We should all try our best to do some volunteer work.回答 B A. 我们都应该试图最好不做一些志愿工作。 B. 我们都应该尽我们最大的努力去做一些志愿工作。 C. 我们都应该做一些志愿工作。 2. We feel more accomplished personally in some way.回答 A A. 在某种意义上,我们感觉更有自我成就感。 B. 在某个方面,我们感觉更有自我成就感。 C. 在某种意义上,我们感觉更加成功。 3. You may be the person with the ability to help today, but tomorrow you may be someone who needs others. help.回答 C A. 今天你可能是有能力帮助他人的人,但明天你可能是一个人需要别人的帮助。 B. 今天你可能是一个有帮助能力的人,但明天你可能需要帮助他人。 C. 也许今天你有能力帮助别人,但明天你可能需要他人的帮助。 4. My volunteering at an animal shelter is neither connected to my studies nor to my career interests.回答 A A. 我在动物收容所做义工,它既与我的学习无关,也与我的职业兴趣无关。 B. 我在动物收容所做义工,它和我的学习无关,和我的职业兴趣有关。 C. 我在动物收容所做义工,它和我的学习有关,和我的职业兴趣无关。 5. It has made me more aware of the difficulties other people go through.回答 C A. 它使我更能想到他人经历的苦难。 B. 它使我更能看到他人经历的苦难。 C. 它让我更能感受到他人经历的苦难。
You make the reservation, and I.ll _______it in writing. 选择一项: A. confirm B. affirm C. convince
Lockwood Middle School 307 Main Street Lockwood, NJ 51686 December 10, 2008 Mrs. Jody Coling President Lockwood Health Association 23 Main Street Lockwood, NJ Dear Mrs. Coling, My name is Susan Harris and I am writing on behalf of the students at Lockwood Middle School. Many students at the school have been working on a project which relates to the unemployment problem in Lockwood. You are invited to attend a presentation that will be held in the media room of the school. The students will present a variety of proposals to solve the problem. At the presentation, there will be several students receiving recognition awards from the headmaster. Refreshments will also be available. As you are a prominent figure in the community, we would be honored by your attendance. Our special presentation will be held on January 16th. Please reply by Monday the 9th of January to confirm your attendance at the function. We look forward to seeing you there. Sincerely, Ms. Susan Harris 操作提示:正确选T,错误选F。 1. Susan Harris is writing on behalf of the teachers at Lockwood Middle School.回答 F 2. The students have no ideas how to solve the unemployment problem in Lockwood.回答 F 3. There will be several students receiving awards from the Headmaster at the presentation.回答 T 4. Refreshments will not be served at the presentation.回答 F 5. Mrs. Coling is a prominent figure in the community.回答
— Do you think you are the suitable person for this position? — ___________ . 选择一项: A. Yes. I.m hard working and I think I am suitable for this position. B. You can depend on me. C. I.m not sure.
—Why do you want to leave your previous job? — ____________ . 选择一项: A. I.m hoping to have a better position. B. You won.t understand it. C. I don.t want to work at all.
A successful cover letter will make a great _________. 选择一项: A. progress B. contribution C. impression
The cover letter will be seen first. ________, it must be very well written. 选择一项: A. Besides B. Therefore C. However
操作提示:通过题目后的下拉选项框选择正确答案。 1. This will allow the employer to associate your experience with their job opening.回答 B A. 这将允许雇主联系你的经历和他们的工作开端。 B. 这将有助于雇主将你的工作经历和他们的职务空缺联系起来。 C. 这会允许雇主联系你的工作经历,还有他们的职务空缺。 2. Employers look for key skills and experience.回答 A A. 雇主所寻求的是核心技能及经历。 B. 雇主在四处看技巧和经历。 C. 雇主在看技巧和经验。 3. It is an advertisement of your potential value to the corporation.回答 C A. 这是一个广告,告诉别人你对公司的价值。 B. 这个广告可以展示你对公司的价值。 C. 这是你向公司展示自己潜在价值的机会。 4. Have others review your résumé and offer helpful advice.回答 B A. 有一些人可以检查你的简历并提供帮助。 B. 让别人帮你检查一遍简历并提供有益的建议。 C. 有其他人帮你检查简历并给你提供建议。 5. List your work experience, in reverse chronological order beginning with the most recent, relevant to your current job search.回答 B A. 列举你的经历,采用相反的时间顺序,开头时要写最近的关于你的当前工作。 B. 填写工作经历时要采用倒时间顺序,将最近发生的、跟当前工作最为相关的写在最前面。 C. 用倒时间顺序列举你的工作经历,开头写你的最近的,跟工作最相关的内容。
Provide any information specifically _______ in the job advertisement such as availability date, or references. 选择一项: A. to request B. requested C. requesting