We destroy Hitler and every vestige of the Nazi regime.(3分) Aresolved to B are resolved to Cresolve on Dresolve against
You should yourself with the facts before you make a decision.(3分) Ahelp Bengage Cacquaint D make
It is not a sensation I could expect anyone___ Laura to understand(3分) Asave Bsaves Cwho saves Dsaving
Young Mark Twain entered that world in 1857 a pilot on a steamboat.(3分) Alike Bas Cby Dfor
If the for using the information highway are too high, interactivity ma widen the gap between the poor and the rich.(3分) Amoney B fare Cfee Dtolls
Not least was the _____ problem of her feminism.(3分) Apreachy Btricky Ccalling Dsubmit
Women who dare to _____their own desires first are punished by social exclusion or, worse still, utter insignificance (3分) Aput Bcalling Csubmit Dends
When I awoke on the morning of Sunday, the 22nd, the news to me of Hitler’s invasion of Russia.(3分) Abring Bis brought Cbrought Dwas brought
Some were built by Thomas Edison and were produced by competitors.(3分) Asome Bmany Cmuch Dothers
I my little bow of assent, when the meaning of these last words came across, forcing me out of my sad imagination.(3分) Awas making Bwas about to make Chad made Dhad being making
The words spat forth with sudden savagery, all pretence of blandness __ gone.(3分) Ais Bwas Chad D不填
The law parents to send their children to school.(3分) Aobliges Bforces Cconstrains Dobliterates
Designers are required to alter their works demand.(3分) Aon Bin Ca
He died from a wound..(3分) Amoral Bmortal Cfatal Ddeadly
The little town looked the same way(3分) Aso Bmuch Csuch Dmany