延安大学PowerPoint 图文演示技术
The brave mawas greatly honoured whethe organizer announced, “You ____ a medal!”
· ear
· expect
· deserve
· reserve

They sold their house for only , dollars, so the buyer got a wonderful________.
· cost     
· bargain    
· amount    
· value

I asked him to show me the record that ______C__ the meeting, but he refused.
· kept    
· was kept   
· was kept of   
· kept of

It’s terrible. The car _______ break dowjust as we were going oour holiday.
· should    
· would    
· could    
· must

Where did you get ________ car of________
· this; yours  
· the; you    
· a; yours    
· a; you

Not a bit .It couldn’t be E35
·A so bad
·B much better
·C any worse
·D best

Wouldn’t it be _____ wonderful world of all countries if the world lived i_____ peace with one another
·A a ;不填
·B the;不填
·C a ;the
·D the; the

— Jim, let’s hurry to the airport. Mabel is coming.— Oh, I was afraid________ . What’s made her change her mind
· she would never come     
· I would miss her
· she had already come      
· I might have missed her

I hope my boss will take my recent illness into __C__ whejudging my performance at work.
· regard
· counting 
· account
· observation

The driver might have had aaccident but he________ the car suddenly.
· braked   
· would brake  
· had braked   
· forget

The policewoma that I hadn.t got my seat belt oand signaled me to stop

--It was i2002
·this; that
· that; whe
· that; that
· this; when

--- Yes ,I gave it to her __D___ I saw her.
· A while
· B suddenly
· C once
· D the moment

— We are sorry we can’t stay with you.
· No, sorry at all 
· I don’t think so
· Don’t think so 
· That’s all right

— Have you graduated from collage— Yes , ________.
· I studied French for two years.
· I have beestudying French.
· I have studied French for two years.
· I had studied French for two years.