As ________, he did not show up at the party. A、 : was expected B、 : would be expected C、 : had been expected D、 : expected
You have ______ a two in the zip code. A、 : left out B、 : made out C、 : worked out D、 : figure out
Success ______ in hard work. A、 : lays B、 : lain C、 : lie D、 : lies
They _________ the conversation in a friendly atmosphere. A、 : carried out B、 : carried on C、 : carried forward D、 : carried with
_______, you should be well prepared for the worst. A、 : In no case B、 : In any case C、 : In some case D、 : In case
He.s trying to _____ a way to solve the problem. A、 : figure out B、 : make out C、 : get out D、 : find out
She advised that I _______ in bed for a few days. A、 : rested B、 : should rest C、 : must rest D、 : ought to rest
He ________ the whole department. A、 : takes charge B、 : takes charge of C、 : charges with D、 : is charge of
The work ______ he was devoted won high praise. A、 : to which B、 : to that C、 : in which D、 : in that
_________ from space, the earth looks like a blue ball. A、 : Seeing B、 : Seen C、 : To see D、 : See
The doctor ________ prescriptions for me. A、 : figured out B、 : wrote out C、 : took out D、 : gave out
High prices ______ low sales. A、 : go to B、 : lead to C、 : come to D、 : tend to
I.m familiar _______ this car. A、 : with B、 : to C、 : at D、 : by
The lecture series _______ into three parts. A、 : comes B、 : goes C、 : falls D、 : divides
He didn.t start working until 9 in the morning.