Under no circumstance __________ to tell lies to parents. 选择一项: A. children are allowed B. are children allowed C. will children allow
If you need further information, please __________ our office. 选择一项: A. constant B. construct C. contact
1. Hoogle Engineering was set up in __________. 回答   A. the nineteenth century   B. the twentieth century   C. the twenty-first century
2. There are many different __________ of management in a tall structure. 回答   A. kinds   B. levels   C. functions
3. People in a flat structure usually work in __________. 回答   A. departments   B. families   C. teams
4. All of the following statements are true according to the passage EXCEPT that __________. 回答   A. communication in the company is becoming more and more important   B. the author thinks the two structures have the same functions   C. there are more individual responsibilities in the flat structure
5. The best title for the passage would be “__________”. 回答   A. Organization Structure in Hoogle Engineering   B. History of Hoogle Engineering   C. Success in Hoogle Engineering
1. How could we describe the 2014 Ebola outbreak? 回答   A.The first one in western countries.   B.It did not ever threaten West Africa.   C.Not the first but the largest one.
2. The 2014 Ebola outbreak response was. 回答   A.an American stateside activity   B.an international activity   C.a regional activity
3. What does the underlined word “massive” mean in Paragraph 3? 回答   A.Huge.   B.Quick.   C.Urgent
4. How many disease specialists from CDC have gone to West Africa for the Ebola response? 回答   A.Less than 100.   B.A hundred.   C.More than 100.
5. What action does CDC take to respond to the large Ebola outbreak? 回答   A.Work closely with governmental, national and international partners.   B.Call for more partners to join this effort.   C.Establish Emergency Operations Centers.
根据写作要求写一篇作文。 写作要求: 以秘书张强的名义,给Sam Smith写一份电话留言。 来电时间:4月6日下午3:00 来访时间:4月11日,星期二 航班号:CZ3590 起飞/到达时间:7:55/10:25 留言内容:Mr. James 将于下周到Sam Smith的办公室洽谈一项新的技术开发项目,询问Sam Smith时间是否合适,如果时间不合适,请Sam Smith回电话。
hat is the product they are talking about? 选择一项: A. Skirts B. Shirts C. Materials
What is the problem with the product? 选择一项: A. Quality B. Color C. Quantity