16[单选题,5分] Please ________ Sales Contract No. 8956 in three originals. A.make off B.make out C.make up D.make for
17[单选题,5分] Please note that our offer will remain valid until the end of this month. The underlined word can be substituted for by each of the following EXCEPT: A.opened B.good C.firm D.open
18[单选题,5分] All our skirts you saw at the fashion show in three sizes. A.become B.get C.come D.go
19[单选题,5分] Our company is a subsidiary of Cathay Business Machines Import & Export Corporation and we __________ office supplies. All of the following can suitably complete this sentence EXCEPT: A.deal in B.specialize in C.handle in D.handle
20[单选题,5分] We can only assume that an oversight has been made in making _____________ the order, A.out B.for C.at D.up
1[单选题,5分] There’s clearly a strong link pay and productivity. A.between B.with C.under D.in
2[单选题,5分] Different corporate cultures are found in different_______ . A.types B.businesses C.companies D.countries
3[单选题,5分] The basic management skills are _______ A.performing skills, marketing sills and planning skills B.technical skills, human relations skills and conceptual skills C.organizing skills, controlling skills and leading skills D.All above
4[单选题,5分] _________ must fulfill its own purpose while simultaneously fitting in with the others. A.All organizations B.Every employee C.Each component D.Each company
5[单选题,5分] A government agency, the Securities and Exchange Commission, would ________ the auditors. A.point out B.point C.appoint D.appoint out
6[单选题,5分] The secretary entered with a pencil and paper, and _________ every word the manager said. A.made for B.took up C.took down D.took over
7[单选题,5分] WTO has been formed to dismantle trade barriers and provide a better environment for international business. ‘Dismantle’ here means _______. A.set up B.remove C.balance D.build
8[单选题,5分] As a result of the _________his serious mistakes, the manager resigned from the office. A.expansion B.explosion C.exposure D.explain
9[单选题,5分] Sometimes a bus _______ gets on the bus and checks the tickets. A.officer B.conductor C.agent D.driver
10[单选题,5分] The process of education, experience, more education, and then is called a cyclical process. A.less education B.more experience C.education and experience D.less experience