[单选题] The man.s story is so_ that I don.t know whether to believe him or not. 󰃆 A、ordinary  B、extraordinary 󰃆 C、usual 󰃆 D、often
[单选题] Because his condition.s not serious they.ve put his name_ on the hospital waiting list. 󰃆 A、on  B、down 󰃆 C、off 󰃆 D、in
[单选题] How did the author feel after Mr. fleagle had read his essay to the entire class? 󰃆 A、angry 󰃆 B、terrified  C、delighted 󰃆 D、surprised
[单选题] Why did the author feel so delighted? 󰃆 A、Because his parents liked his essay. 󰃆 B、Because his teacher and classmates appreaciated his essay. 󰃆 C、Because his friends appreaciated his essay. 󰃆 D、Because his brother appreaciated his essay.
[多选题] Which of the following mean "枯燥的,无聊的"?  A、boring  B、dull  C、serious  D、tedious
[多选题] Which of the following words are the synonyms of "compose"?  A、turn out  B、write  C、recapture  D、put down
、[多选题] Which of the following mean "古板的,过时的"?  A、prim  B、unfashioned  C、out of date
[多选题] Which of the following mean "处理"?  A、handle  B、deal with  C、tackle  D、study
、[多选题] Which of the following mean "简单的,容易的"?  A、easy  B、simple  C、excessive  D、formal
[多选题] Which of the following mean "愚蠢的"?  A、foolish  B、unfruitful  C、difficult  D、stupid
[多选题] What are the synonymous of the phrase "off and on"?  A、at times  B、now and then  C、occasionally  D、up and down
、[多选题] What’s the same meaning of the phrase "deal with"?  A、tackle  B、scan  C、handle  D、severe
[多选题] What are the basic writing styles?  A、narration  B、argumentation  C、exposition  D、description
[多选题] Which of the following mean "喜欢"?  A、like  B、prefer  C、enjoy  D、move
、[判断题] think的过去分词是thought  A、 正确  B、 错误