Word stress in English is not as predictable as it is in other languages, and therefore, thestress placement in English words is not rule-governe ()
Phonological treatments of syllable structure usually call the first part of a syllable theonset, the middle part the nucleus and the end part the cod The combination of nucleusand coda is called the rhyme 0.
,Not all English vowel phonemes can occur in the CV syllable patter, but all can appear inthe CVC pattern () .
In coda position, the maximum number of clusters is four. Many clusters of two or threeand virtually all cluster of four are the result of adding a plural /s, z/ or a past tense /t, d/inflection to a stem ending in two or three consonants () .
The notion of rhythm comes from the unstressed syllables. Word and sentence stresscombine to create the rhythm of an English utterance (0)
Just as in music, spoken English moves in regular, rhythmic beats from stress to stress -82irrespective of how many unstressed syllables fall in between ()
3A rhythm group contains more than one stressed syllable, together with unstressedsyllables clustering about it or none () .
Any unstressed syllables that may come before the first rhythm group do not belong toany stress-group. They are the strong beat and are read as quickly as possible ()
Chinese leamers of English are likely to assign equal weight to each syllable, regardless ofwhether the syllable i俚启刹肋氮兴stressed or unstressed 0)
The epenthesis (or insertion) of glides l, w] occurs because they are the least markedepenthetic consonants in hiatus position O .
A non-rhotic speaker will pronounce words like far as/ra: =/. whereas a rhotic speakerdoes not pronounce Ir at all unless followed by a vowel (0)
For rhotic speakers [r] is pronounced just because far has an [r] in it, but for non-rhoticspeakers (ri appears in far away because the first word ends with a vowel and the secondword begins with a vowel, namely, the [r] links the two words together () .
Vowels which trigger [rJ-insertion never trigger tj-insertion or (wJ-insertion. Each glidehas its own domain, although the domains exempt short stressed vowels /e, , D, u, ,which never occur word-finally in English ().
Generally speaking, the assimilation involves both vowels and consonants, particularlyacross word boundaries, but within words too ()
English intonation has three systemic features: tonality, tonicity and tone () .