(单选题)The police have begun to ______ the murder case, but in vain.(本题1.0分) A.look into B.look up C.look out D.look after
(单选题)- Window or aisle seat? -_______(本题1.0分) A.Yes, there are many windows. B.I like windows. C.They are fine. D.A window seat, please.
(单选题)Floods cause billions of dollars worth of property damage ____________.(本题1.0分) A.relatively B.actually C.annually D.comparatively
(单选题)The doctor checked the patient’s______ carefully before making his statement.(本题1.0分) A.symbols B.symptoms C.signs D.signals
(单选题)– Will they go for a picnic today?  – _________________(本题1.0分) A.Yes, perfectly. B.Yes, it is. C.Well, it depends. D.Not at all.
(单选题)Tom attended the meeting ______ his company.(本题1.0分) A.on behalf B.on behalf of C.on the behalf D.on the behalf of
(单选题)Every man in this country has the right to live where he wants to, ________ the color of his skin.(本题1.0分) A.with the exception of B.in the light of C.by virtue of D.regardless of
(单选题)– So what should we do next? –  (本题1.0分) A.Let’s have a cup of tea, and then discuss the plan. B.I am not clear. C.No hurry. D.I’m too busy to do anything
(单选题)_______ the numbers in employment, the hotel industry was the second largest industry in this country last year.(本题1.0分) A.in line with B.in terms of C.in accordance with D.in proportion to
(单选题)She has everything _______ a good wife should have.(本题1.0分) A.that B.which C.whom D.what
(单选题)As days went by, a deep friendship began to ______ between them.(本题1.0分) A.become B.develop C.come D.stand
(单选题)How was your trip to Paris, Mary? ____________(本题1.0分) A.Oh, wonderful indeed. B.I went there alone. C.The guide showed me the way. D.By plane and by bus.
.(单选题)There are __________ days in a year.(本题1.0分) A.three hundreds sixty-five B.three hundreds and sixty five C.three hundred and sixty-five D.three hundred and sixty five
(单选题)Mr. Wang and his son, both looking very happy,          taking a walk in the park.(本题1.0分) A.are B.is C.has D.have
(单选题)– I am worried about my son’s eyesight so much. –  (本题1.0分) A.He always takes books so close to his eyes. B.You think too much. C.There’s nothing special. D.Maybe you can take him to have a check.