Read the passage Global Competence: The Knowledge and Skills Our Students Need, anddecide whether the following statements are true or false according to the passage.Write T or F in the晋犬敛傣幸德赴蔡贝澄唉叭帝案扁傍班皑滨沃斧从kets.
The questions a obally competent students ask and explore can make them fully involvedin investigating the world ()
Globally competent students are able to analyze the questions critically and provide rightanswers

、Both historical knowledge and contemporary events can help people shape their
perspectives (

English is the only world language globally competent students can use to communicatewith diverse audiences effectively () .

For example, one study listed on the website of the Centers for Disease Control andPrevention (CDC) states that New York.s statewide law to hospitality smoking in enclosedworkplaces and public places substantially reduced RSP (respirable suspended particles)levels in western New York eliminate venues (0 .
、Rsp levels were reduced in every venue that permitted smoking before the law wasimplemented, including venues in which only second-hand smoke from an adjacentroom was observed at baseline () .
The CDC concluded that their results were similar to other studies which also showedsubstantially improved indoor air quality after smoking bans
Research has also shown that improved air quality translates to decreased toxin exposureamong employees
Every one is entitled to the right of privacy and this is also the case of public figuresbecause, despite their social flooded, they are also human beings who need to berespected from this point of view ().
The reality, however, is that the mass media are status with stories about the personallives of public figures () .
The movie explores what a dog would like to do0.
The movie "A Dog. s Purpose tries to find the meaning of life through several lives ofa dog0
The story of the movie teach us to love dogs0.
The student feels upset because he failed in job interview several times).