(阅读理解题)阅读理解 Of all the family members,grandparents are probably the least valued. They are just the people who have always been around. They make a fuss over(对……关怀备至)the children in the family,show off to their friends the achievements(成就)of this child or that child,and show countless pictures of new babies. Grandfathers can fix anything, and grandmothers always have homemade biscuits around. When you are small,it is fun to stay with your grandparents because they always let you do things you can.t do at home, and of course, they buy you things. They are always able to baby-sit(临时照看婴儿)because they don.t go out much and actually prefer to see their grand-children. They are usually good for a small loan(借款)now and then that does not need to be paid back because they turned it into a gift. You respectfully listen to their advice but do not follow it because they are old and do not understand how things are in this day and age. You thank them politely for what they do for you,and then do not call or visit them until you need something else. And,of course,you never tell them how dear they are to you because they know how you feel about them anyway. Then all of a sudden,they are no longer there to do the things that only grandparents can do,and you find yourself wishing that you had told them what they meant to you as people and not as grandparents. (1). (单选题) What is the position of grandparents in the family according to the writer?( )(本题1.5分) A、 They are the most important people among family members. B、 They are the least important people among family members. C、 They are the ones at whom their children or grandchildren usually laugh. D、 They are the ones whom their children or grandchildren respect most.
(单选题) Grandparents usually do many things except.( )(本题1.5分) A、 looking after their grandchildren B、 buying their grandchildren things C、 letting their grandchildren do things they can.t do at home D、 telling their grandchildren how dear they are to them
. (单选题) Why don.t children need to pay back the loan from their grandparents?( )(本题1.5分) A、 Grandparents turn the loan into a gift. B、 Their parents pay back the loan for them. C、 Their grandparents died before they have enough money to pay it back. D、 Their grandparents will forget the loan.
(单选题) Children don.t take their grandparents. advice because______.( )(本题1.5分) A、 their advice is not of any help in the present situation B、 they don.t like the advice itself C、 following their advice will make them act like old people D、 they want to make decisions of their own
(单选题) How do children feel after their grandparents died______?( )(本题1.0分) A、 They feel sorry that grandparents are the least valued in the family. B、 They miss them very much because no one does the things that only grandparents do. C、 They regret they didn.t express their true feelings to them. D、 They wish they had visited and called them more often.
(阅读理解题) 阅读理解 In the United Stales,it is customary to exchange gifts on special occasions with family members,friends,relatives,teachers,colleagues,and other associates. But offering gifts to any law enforcement agents( policeman,slate trooper,etc.),politicians,government employees,or other public employees for favors is considered a serious crime( known as bribery) in the United States and is punishable by law. Some newcomers come from countries where it is acceptable to give gifts to somebody in authority in return for a favor. But in the United States,one should never offer any public official a gift for doing something for them,nor should one offer to do a favor in return for help received. Obviously,bribery takes place in the United States, but even so,it is considered illegal. It is acceptable to give small gifts of appreciations to people who pay for services or who have already rendered services without pay(but who are not public officials),Christmas is a good time to do this. For instance,school children often give their teachers small gifts at Christmas lime,and employers and employees often exchange gifts. Sometimes only the employers or supervisors will give gifts to their staff members without expecting gifts in return. (1). (单选题) Americans exchange gifts with their friends______.( )(本题1.5分) A、 at any time B、 every week C、 on some particular occasions D、 only on holidays
(单选题) In America, sending gifts to ______will be considered as a crime.( )(本题1.5分) A、 public officials B、 policemen C、 teachers D、 both
(单选题) Some Americans offer gifts to others out of______.( )(本题1.5分) A、 gratitude B、 excitement C、 concern D、 sympathy
(单选题) In America,it is ______to give gifts to people in authority who have helped you.( )(本题1.5分) A、 legal B、 unacceptable C、 natural D、 necessary
(单选题) Christmas is a great time for people to offer small gifts to their______.( )(本题1.0分) A、 manager B、 supervisor C、 co-workers D、 All of the above
(阅读理解题)阅读理解 My grandfather came from Hungary and was the only one in his family who settled down in the United States. The rest of his family remained in Europe. When World War I broke out, he seemed to have become another man,downhearted. Such obvious change was not born out of concern for his welfare,but out of fear: if his only son,my uncle,had to go to war,it would be cousin fighting against cousin. One day in 1918,my uncle Milton received his draft notice. My grandparents were very upset. But my mother,at the age of10, felt on top of the world about her soldier brother going off to war. Realizing how he was regarded by his little sister and all of her friends,my uncle bought them all service pins,which meant that they had a loved one in the service. All the little girls were delighted. The moment came when my uncle and the other soldiers,without any training hut all in uniforms,boarded the train. The band played and the crowd cheered. Although no one noticed, I am sure my grandmother had a tear in her eye for the only son. The train slowly pulled out,but not about a thousand yards when it suddenly paused. Everyone stared in wonder as the train slowly returned to the station. There was a(lead silence before the doors opened and the men started to step out. Someone shouted,“The war is over!”For a moment,nobody moved,but then the people heard someone bark orders al the soldiers. The men lined up in two lines,walked down the steps,and with the band playing,marched down the street,as returning heroes,to be welcomed home. My mother said it was a great day, but she was just a little disappointed that it didn.t last a tiny bit longer. (1). (单选题) What the grandfather was most worried about was______.( )(本题1.5分) A、 the spread of the world war B、 the safety of his two cousins C、 a drop in his living standards D、 his relatives killing each other
(单选题) The underlined phrase “draft notice” means “______”.( )(本题1.5分) A、 order for army service B、 train ticket for Europe C、 letter of rejection D、 note of warning
(单选题) What did the “service pins”(inPara.2)stand for in the eyes of the little girls?( )(本题1.5分) A、 Strength. B、 Courage. C、 Victory. D、 Honor.
(单选题) The underlined phrase “on top of the world”(in Para.2)means “______”.( )(本题1.5分) A、 very glad B、 very upset C、 regretful D、 very sorry
. (单选题) Which of the following words can best describe the ending of the story?( )(本题1.0分) A、 Disappointing. B、 Unexpected. C、 Uncertain. D、 Inspiring.