My parents had explained everything to me and now _______. [ A、 ]. leaving me in no doubt left [ B、 ]. I was left in no doubt [ C、 ]. I have not in doubt left [ D、 ]. I am having in no doubt left
I _______ the driver to be a stranger in this city so he tried to deceive me by going the wrong way. [ A、 ]. appeared to [ B、 ]. was appeared [ C、 ]. appear to [ D、 ]. have appeared
_______,they wouldn.t have given it up. [ A、 ]. Had there been any chance [ B、 ]. If they had not stood a chance [ C、 ]. If they stood any chance there [ D、 ]. Would they stand a chance
All _______ is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life. [ A、 ]. this is needed [ B、 ]. that is needed [ C、 ]. for our needs [ D、 ].the thing needing
These fairy tales are familiar _______ people in every country. [ A、 ]. with [ B、 ]. for [ C、 ]. to [ D、 ]. about
My friend failed to meet me at the station, and I was at a loss what to do _______ the circumstances. [ A、 ]. under [ B、 ]. on [ C、 ]. for [ D、 ]. from
The box was opened in the _______ of the necessary witnesses. [ A、 ]. presence [ B、 ]. preface [ C、 ]. front [ D、 ]. eyes
_______ to it that you shut all the windows before going to bed. [ A、 ]. Look [ B、 ]. Watch [ C、 ]. See [ D、 ]. View
I was beginning to realize that it does not _______ much whether a legend is true or not as long as it is beautiful. [ A、 ]. mind [ B、 ]. matter [ C、 ]. meet [ D、 ]. risk
He didn.t want to _______ getting wet as he had only one suit. [ A、 ]. avoid [ B、 ]. adventure [ C、 ]. attain [ D、 ]. risk
When you visit London, one of the first things you will see is Big Ben, the famous clock which can be 21 all over the world on the BBC. If the House of Parliament had not been burned down in 1834, the great clock would never have been erected. Big Ben takes its name from Sir Ben Gamin Hall who was responsible 22 the making of the clock when the new House of Parliament was 23 . It is not only 24 , but is extremely accurate 25 . Officials from Greenwich Observatory(格林威治天文台)have the clock 26 twice a day. On the BBC you can hear the clock when it is actually 27 because microphones are connected to the clock tower. Big Ben has 28 gone wrong. Once, however, it failed to give the correct time, a painter who had been __29 the tower bung a pot of paint on one of the hands and the clock was 30 ! 21. _______ [ A、 ] seen [ B、 ] felt [ C、 ] heard[ D、 ] touched
_______ [ A、 ] at [ B、 ] to [ C、 ] in [ D、 ] for
_______ [ A、 ] having built [ B、 ] being built [ C、 ] having been built [ D、 ] building
_______ [ A、 ] immensely sized [ B、 ] having immense size [ C、 ] of immense size [ D、 ] being immense size
______ [ A、 ] also [ B、 ] too [ C、 ] either [ D、 ] as well