[单选题,2分] How could he convince them ________ his innocence? A.on B.of C.with D.over
[单选题,2分] It.s ________ the government to make a decision on this issue. A.thanksto B.accordingto C.dueto D.upto
[单选题,2分] She didn.t expect them to understand the sufferings she and her family ________. A.wentover B.wentthrough C.passedover D.passedinto
[单选题,2分] After a long discussion the two parties ________ an agreement. A.arrived B.arrivedin C.reachedout D.reached
[单选题,2分] The upper part of him that would show above the table would ________ no doubt in the mind of the waiter. A.rise B.arise C.arouse D.awake
[单选题,2分] No fund has been provided to build a system()reading fingerprints more efficiently. A.good at B.keen on C.concerned for D.capable of
[单选题,2分] ()his leg was badly injured, the boy managed to attend class every day. A.If B.Unless C.Although D.Because
[单选题,2分] Some 40 percent of the hired hands left before they()their term of service. A.finish B.finished C.would finish D.have finished
[单选题,2分] I think if I()stay in ltaly for another three months, we, Jim and l, might become good friends. A.will B.shall C.would D.were to
[单选题,2分] When l arrived she greeted me at the door, her kids all ()behin A.standing B.stood C.have been standing D.were standing
[单选题,2分] Across the continent of South America ()the Amazon River. A.lie B.lies C.islying D.Lying
[单选题,2分] Mr. Smith fully shares the view of the speaker() every man is as good as his neighbor. A.Which B.whom C.Who D.that
[单选题,2分] Henry.s plans was ()the couple to dinner at a nice restaurant and then ask them for their forgiveness. A.inviting B.invited C.to invite D.going to inyite
[单选题,2分] Most students make a study plan() the beginning of the new term. A.On B.in C.From D.At
[单选题,2分] The family found it hard to ()from the traditions of their own country and adapt to the new environment. A.break away B.break down C.break out D.break up