(单选题) The furniture in her room is quite different from ( ) in the exhibition hail.(本题1.0分) A、 that B、 one that C、 ones D、 those ones
(填空题) Negative student.s ___(respond)to online learning are also due to time factors, particularly for students with part-time or full-time jobs.(本题2.0分)
42. (填空题) The meeting began___(punctuality) at nine o’clock.(本题2.0分)
43. (填空题) In the United States, all children between the ages of 5 and 18 must___ (attendance) school.(本题2.0分)
44. (填空题) The reporter checked with a variety of sources to guard against___(accurate) reports.(本题2.0分)
45. (填空题) Only a few of us could___his statement, because it was too profound. (comprehension)(本题2.0分)
46. (问答题) 翻译:Many people fail in learning a language because they lose the belief in themselves as learners.(本题6.0分)
47. (问答题) 翻译:Just as we know, it is quite common for college students in Western countries to pay their way through college.(本题6.0分)
48. (问答题) 既然你有电脑可用,为什么还用手去计算这样大的数目呢?(本题6.0分)
49. (问答题) 翻译:周末我喜欢与父母一起呆在家里,而我的朋友们却热衷于去那些嘈杂的俱乐部。
50. (问答题) 翻译:我们可以从事各种各样的业余爱好,比如听音乐、看电影、或者跟几个朋友聚一聚。 (本题6.0分)
51. (问答题) 作文题:Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 你特别喜欢的食物; 你喜欢的理由。