Situation: Recognize someone.
Speaker A:Excuse me, are you Mr. Smith from America?
Speaker B: Oh, __________
a. thank you.
b. with pleasure.
c. yes. 解析:一般疑问句的回答应该用Yes. / No.,故C正确。
d. here you are.

W: I got a bad cold. I could do nothing but lie in bed last weekend.
M: Oh, dear! You are really __________.
a. great
b. funny
c. unlucky 解析:女士感冒了,周末只能病卧在床。男士觉得她不幸。
d. lucky

The conversation takes place at a bank.
W: What can I do for you?
M: I’d like to _____ here.
a. open a savings account 解析:问题为:“男士想来银行做什么?”,从对话场景“at a bank”可知正确答案是A。
b. buy some fruits
c. reserve a room
d. order some fish

The woman is giving the woman something.
M: I’m interested in your new computers. How much do they cost?
W: We’ve got ______. Here you are.
a. an advertisement
b. a business card
c. a price list 解析:本题为直接会话。对话中,男士说他对电脑有兴趣并询问价格,女士没有直接告诉男士价格而是递给他一份价格清单(a price list)。故正确答案为C。
d. an instruction sheet

Speaker A is offering help in the shop.
Speaker A: Welcome to our shop. Anything I can do for you?
Speaker B: _______________.
a. I hope so
b. Thank you very much.
c. I.m not sure
d. I.d like a sweater

Christopher Columbus ______America while Edison ______ the light bulb.
a. discovered; discovered
b. invented; discovered
c. invented; invented
d. discovered; invented

My mother will be very angry with me when she ______out where I have been.

a. finds 解析:句意:当我妈妈知道我上哪儿去了,她会非常生气的。考查动词时态。finds表示一般现在时;found表示一般过去式;will find表示一般将来时;has found表示现在完成时。本句含有when引导的时间状语从句,且主句时态为一般将来时,根据主将从现原则,从句的时态为一般现在时。故选A。
b. found
c. will find
d. has found

He studies hard all the time, _________ he has made rapid progress in many ways.
a. because
b. yet
c. so 解析:句意:他一直努力学习,因此他在许多方面取得了迅速的进步。A. so B. because C. but D. yet所以;因为;但是;仍然。前后两句话是一种因果关系,结合选项,可知A选项符合题意,故答案选A。
d. but

.Some children are playing games and_________ are talking happily.
a. other
b. another
c. the other
d. others

Simon is the best student in his class._________else does better than him.
a. Anybody
b. Nobody 解析:句意:Simon是班里最好的学生。没有其他人比他做得更好。A.每件东西B.某些东西C.没有人D.任何人,everything和something只能指物,排除AB,anybody指的是“任何人”,前句说了Simon是最好的学生,所以不能说“其他任何人都比他做得好”,排除D,这里想说的是“没有其他人比他做得更好”,。
c. Everything
d. Something

.My friend Sue is from America and she can English stories to us.
a. talk
b. speak
c. say
d. tell

My uncle _______in No.1 Middle School.He thinks it.s a good ______.

a. work;job
b. works; work
c. jobs; work
d. works;job

He learned the rules of the game _______.

a. one by one
b. step by step 解析:考查固定短语。句意:他逐渐学会这个游戏的规则。one by one意为“一个接一个”;step by step意为“一步步;逐渐”;side by side意为“肩并肩”;shoulder to shoulder意为“肩并肩”。根据句意,。
c. side by side
d. shoulder to shoulder

We can learn a lot of information about history in the .
a. forest
b. Space
c. museum 解析:A.forest森林;B.market市场;C.museum博物馆;D.space空间;根据句意,所给选项中只有在C.museum(博物馆)中才能学习到历史知识。故选:C。
d. market

I wonder he will refuse his car with me.
a. that; sharing
b. if; to share
c. that; to share
d. if; sharing