To pay for the large cake the old man _____ five dollars on the counter. A. counted out B. counted on C. counted down D. counted against
If you go around with _____ shoulders in this heat you will get burned. A. bare B. hollow C. naked D. empty
Building that railway was very difficult and involved _____ ten tunnels. A. dig B. throwing C. to have thrown D. having thrown
The traditional approach _____ with complex problems is to break them down into smaller, more easily managed problems. A. to dealing B. in dealing C dealing D. to deal
Copper as well as most metals _____ of electricity, but wood is a poor one. A. is a good conductor B. are good conductors C. is a good insulator D. are good insulators
Air cannot be an element _____ an element cannot be separated. A. in that B. except that C. but that D. now that
Most of the students _____ in the school are talented young people. A. study B. studied C. studying D. to study
The pressure_____ causes the National Team to be energetic, but it also makes the members nervous. A. to compete B. competing C. to be competed D. having competed
As a college freshman, you.re probably a little 1 about the idea of college life, but there is no need to 2 . You can do something to help yourself not only 3 , but also thrive at your college. First, you must bring with you an alarm clock, some photos you took with your friends, a fan and a good English dictionary 4 you leave for college. Once you begin to live in the college dorm, you can 5 your roommates love you by 6 good messages and by taking care not to disturb each other. Sometimes living with someone 7 is not your friend can make you feel less pressured. You may also need to take advice from some 8 freshmen, who will tell what you should do and what you shouldn’t at college. Finally, you need to remember that the best freshmen are usually 9 with themselves and know how to 10 their schedule well. 1. A. nerve B. nervous C. nervousness D. nerves 2. A. argue B. panic C. worry D. hate 2. A. survive B. succeed C. win D. triumph 4. A. after B. before C. as D. and 5. A. ask B. make C. let D. allow 6. A. take B. to take C. taking D. took 7. A. who B. whom C. which D. what 8. A. former B. previous C. late D. before 9. A. honest B. friendly C. sly D. hostile 10. A. work B. working C. worked D. works
Title : My View on the Long Holiday