[单选题,10分] The letters _______ which she ______ grew fewer, then stopped altogether. A. of ... hungered B. for ... hungered C. to ... hungered D.D) by ... hungered
[单选题,10分] The king commanded that enough money _______ to fund the project. A.be collected B.must be collected C. is collected D. can be collected
[单选题,10分] People could hardly ________ their anger when they found millions of dollars of public funds had been used to build luxurious houses for city officials. A. hold back B. draw back C. keep back D. hold up
[单选题,10分] The picture _______ my school days to my mind. A. reminded B. recollected C. remembered D. recalled
[单选题,10分] I rely on you to remind me ________ Jack for the books he bought me. A. of paying B. of being paid C.to pay D.to be paid
[单选题,10分] Dream of the Red Chamber (《红楼梦》) is said __________ into dozen of languages in the last decade. A.to have been translated B.to translate C. to be translated D. to have translated
[单选题,10分] Not that John doesn.t want to help you, ________ it is beyond his power. A. but that B. for that C. and that D. in that
多选题,10分] Fate blessed him with great_______. A.gift B.tale C.ability D.talent
[单选题,10分] With the ________ of Mary, all the girl students are eager to go to the party. A.exhibition B. exception C. except D. reception
[单选题,10分] It is not considered ________ to litter in public. A. respected B. respectable C. respectful D. respective
[单选题,10分] He talked as if he ________ the incident. A.had witnessed B. witnessed C. witness D.have witnessed
[单选题,10分] Mr. Smith had an unusual _________: He was first an office clerk, then a sailor, and ended up as a school teacher. A. profession B. occupation C. position D.career
[单选题,10分] At least 76 people died when a Sibir Airlines Tu-154 ________ into the sea about 180 kilometers from the Russian resort of Sochi on Thursday. A.dropped B.jumpde C.plungde D. declined
[多选题,10分] _______! The flood is coming. A.Look out B. Look C.Take care D. Be careful E.Out
[多选题,10分] _______ the grass! A.keep in B.keep in touch C. Keep away from D.Keep off E.Keep on