That people need distance and differences for creativity is the real purpose why people travel. A、正确 B、错误
The burdensome trip described in Para. 1 is to deny the benefits of modern aviation. A、正确 B、错误
According to Para.s 2-4, we travel not because we need to, but because we want to. A、正确 B、错误
People travel to leave all their troubles behind, however, ironically, their mind is most likely to solve their most difficult problems when they are in a distant place. A、正确 B、错误
Travelling can help loosen the cognitive chains that imprison us and can grant us new and open insights into the world around us. A、正确 B、错误
It was all too easy, when one was young, to ________ the future in the excitement of the present. A、disregard B、believe C、neglect D、memorize
It will be noted that the improved visibility of this warning light does not completely ________ the increased tendency to make an error during the night. A、offset B、limit C、replace D、control
It is difficult to ________ of such thinking taking place without the growth and development of intellectual ability. A、make B、consider C、control D、conceive
The world of the ________ is to do with success, status, respect, money, desires of all kinds, and fears, that lead to unhappiness. A、normal B、common C、mundane D、abnormal
As the car disappeared from sight, he let out a ________ of frustration in agony. A、signal B、complaint C、groan D、warning
Just as women now demand for themselves greater freedom to express different ________ of themselves, so too do some men, although not nearly so many of them. A、clusters B、spheres C、angles D、facets
One of the features of auto-immune diseases is that they ________ within individuals and sometimes within an individual.s family. A、squeeze B、pack C、cluster D、pad
Competition for limited resources is an inevitable feature of life so long as reproduction occurs in the context of ________ supplies. A、infinite B、insular C、essential D、finite
In studying children.s pictures, a wide variety of ________, personal, and cultural factors needs to be taken into account. A、conspicuous B、rigorous C、cognitive D、exclusive
If the product does absorb moisture or ________ water, discard it. A、is filled in B、is staurated in C、becomes saturated with D、becomes full with