[单选题,7.6分] No attempt has been made to ____ a complete bibliography of these writings. A.provide B.secure C.ensure D.inform
[单选题,7.6分] It may be safely ____ that there is no animal life on Mars. A.assembled B.assisted C.assumed D.assigned
[单选题,7.6分] I remember _______ to help us if we ever got into trouble. A.once offering B.him once offering C.him to offer D.to offer him
[单选题,7.6分] Race and sex are not relevant ______ whether a person is qualified for the job. A.to B.for C.on D.with
[单选题,7.6分] First published in 1927, the chart remains an ______ source for researchers. A.identical B.inevitable C.intelligent D.indispensable
[单选题,7.6分] He made ____ to your remarks at the last meeting. A.progress B.money C.reference D.referee
[多选题,7.6分] It is _______ to your mind, soul, body and your life on the whole that you stay in the present with all your thoughts and feelings. A.vital B.important C.obvious D.visual
[多选题,7.6分] He never _________ of visiting the Great Wall. A.tiring B.tire C.tires D.tired E.be tired
[多选题,8.8分] I think swimming is ______ in summer. A.a great fun B.great fun C.great funs D.funny
[单选题,7.6分] -Is this your ________ visit to my hometown, Zunyi? -No. I.ve been here for many times. A.one B.the first C.first D.second
[单选题,7.6分] _________ before we depart tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party. A.Had they arrived B.Would they arrive C.Were they arriving D.Were they to arrive
[单选题,7.6分] Language is a ____ for the expression of thought. A.mode B.means C.measurement D.mood
[单选题,7.6分] He ____ that he could finish the job without any help A.claimed B.demanded C.required D.denounced
[单选题,7.6分] ____ and disorder might well spread throughout the entire Middle East. A.Contempt B.Confusion C.Conference D.Conjunction
[单选题,7.6分] A(n) ____ of using the solar energy is that it won.t create any pollution. A.disadvantage B.advantage C.profit D.interest