14.Customer: Excuse me, sir. Clerk: _____. Customer: I’d like to cash a check. Would you please tell me which window should I go to? Clerk: You can cash checks over there at window 6. (3分) A. It’s all right. B. It doesn’t matter. C. What? Can I help you? D. Yes, may I help you?
13.____ three days to go before the final exams, shouldn’t you work harder?(3分) A. On B. With C. By D. In
12.It was long supposed ____ the main difference between animals and plants was that animals could move about.(3分) A. this B. that C. which D. because
11.Please remind me _____ the director at 10.(3分) A. by seeing B. to seeing C. seeing D. to see
10. Jane: Carol, you look very well. Carol: Thank you, Jane. You look Wonderful too. Your weekend tennis must have done you gooD. Jane: ________. (3分) A. That’s very kind of you B. I don’t believe it. You are flattering me C. You think so? That’s encouraging D. Are you kidding? Thank you anyway
9.This car is capable _____ most others on the road.(3分) A. passing B. to pass C. of passing D. pass
8.You would laugh if anyone _____ ask you whether you can tell an animal from a plant.(3分) A. shall B. should C. would D. will
7. Tommy: Mommy, when will we have dinner? I’m starving. Mother: ____.We have to wait for daddy. (3分) A. Soon, honey B. Quickly, honey C. O.K., honey D. All right, honey
6.Michael: The Johnsons are moving next week. We are going to have a going-away party for them Saturday. Tracy: I didn’t realize they were moving so soon. _____ Michael: Yes, but we’ll have one last chance to get together. We’re planning a barbecue. (3分) A. Wish them a happy journey. B. May they have a more comfortable home. C. They are really going to be missed. D. We can’t stay together forever, can we?
5.Please give the problem a careful _____.(3分) A. considerable B. consideration C. consider D. considerate
4. Customer: Excuse me, sir. Clerk: ____ Customer: I’d like to cash a check. Would you please tell me which window should I go to? Clerk: You can cash checks over there at window 6. (3分) A. Yes, may I help you? B. It doesn’t matter. C. It’s all right. D. What? Can I help you?
3. Mary: Tom, would you like to go to a party this Saturday? Tom: ______.What kind of party? Mary: It’s a birthday party. (3分) A. Feels excellent B. Sounds good C. Looks nice D. Seems all right
2.Customer: The jeans look cool. May I try them on? Salesman: Sure. ______ (3分) A. What size, please? B. Cash or charge? C. It.s 34 RMB, please. D. Help yourself, please.
1.A: Hi! Aren.t we in the same English class? B: ______ A: Nice to meet you, Sue. I. m George. (3分) A. It.s so wonderful to meet you. B. Thank you very much. C. How are you doing. D. Yes, we are. My name.s Sue Deer.
1.Languages are remarkably complex and wonderfully complicated organs of culture. They contain the quickest and the most efficient means of communicating within their respective culture. To learn a foreign language is to learn another culture. In the words of a poet and philosopher, "As many languages as one speaks, so many lives one lives." A culture and its language are as necessary as brain and body; while one is a part of the other, neither can function without the other. In learning a foreign language, the best beginning would be starting with the non-language elements of the language: its gestures, its body language, etc. Eye contact is extremely important in English. Direct eye contact leads to understanding, or, as the English saying goes, seeing eye-to-eye. We can never see eye-to-eye with a native speaker of English until we have learned to look directly into his eyes.(20分) (1)The best title for this passage is Language and Culture.(4分) A. T B. F (2)According to this passage, the only way to learn a foreign language is to begin by learning its body language.(4分) A. T B. F (3)According to this passage, gestures are pictures in a language.(4分) A. T B. F (4)To learn a foreign language is to learn another culture.(4分) A. T B. F (5)Direct eye contact leads to understanding in all cultures.(4分) A. T B. F