3.Under no_____should we,be,reckless of consequence and make hasty decisions. A.instance B.circumstance C.situation D.environment
4.Despite_____attempts to diet,her weight soared. A.numerous B.numerable C. much D. continuous
5.The new system will be_____with existing equipment. A.capable B.controllable C.compatible D.considerable
A. to B.same C.of D. as E. on Just _____1 a band or gang of superheroes needs members who have different talents and powers,a circle of friends should have exactly the same thing.It.s important to have diversity and to be able ______2.look for support from a variety _____3.sources.They also help us to keep broader perspective ______4 life. You need different types of friends in the _____5 way that you need food from different food groups.Different types,of friends serve different purposes,and nourish and enrich our lives in different ways.
Translation Please translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1.The United Nations has appealed for help from the international community. 2.He has spent a lifetime fighting against racism and prejudice. 3.Separation from his friends made him very sad. 4.His passion for reading never deserted him. 5.The house costs a fortune to maintain.
1.The quarrel originated in a_____。(understand) 2. He was_____to make any sacrifice for peace.(will) 3.Scientists have established a______between cholesterol levels and heart disease.(connect) 4.Someone allergic to milk is_____to react to cheese.(like) 5.A friend might be an_____or an intimate companion that one has known since childhood. (acquaint)
Studies show that the key to happiness is having one close relationship and a network of friends.Our social connections make us healthier and more resilient to stress.Maintaining long lasting,healthy friendships is worth the effort!
1. -Thanks for your help. --_____ A.My pleasure. B.Quite right. C.Never mind. D.Don.t thank me.
2.-Thank you so much for your lovely gift. --_____ A. Never mind. B.Please don.t say so. C.I.m glad you like it. D.No,it.s not so good.
3.-Thank you for your invitation. --_____ A. It doesn.t matter. B.It.s a pleasure. C.I.ll appreciate it. D.It.s a small thing.
4.-Thank you for calling. --______ A.Don.t mention it. B.Nice talking to you. C.That.s fine. D.Call back again.
5.-It.s been a wonderful evening.Thank you very much. --_______ B. No, thanks. C. My pleasure. D. It.s OK. A. Just So-so.
1.I first met Simon three years ago.She_____at a university at that time. A.has worked B.was working C.has been working D.had worked
2.- Is this raincoat yours? -No, mine_____there behind the door. A.is hanging B.hangs C. has hung D. hung
3. My watch_____at nine o.clock,but now-it A.went;stopped B.went;is stopping C. was going;stopped D. was going;has stoppe