Women ____________ going out without a veil.(本题1.0分) A、 are forbidden from B、 are forbade from C、 are forbidden to D、 are forbade to
With a ____________ smile, he went out of the room.(本题1.0分) A、 content B、 contented C、 misery D、 miserable
Women ____________ fewer crimes than men.(本题1.0分) A、 commit B、 forbid C、 overcome D、 afflict
Mary is always complaining ____________ something.(本题1.0分) A、 with B、 for C、 about D、 of
____________ his homework, he went to watch TV.(本题1.0分) A、 Having finished B、 Finished C、 Finishing D、 To finish
I’ve tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means ___________ with my progress.(本题1.0分) A、 the teacher is not satisfied B、 is the teacher not satisfied C、 the teacher is satisfied D、 is the teacher satisfied
It is good for you to have such a good chance to study abroad, but it remains ____________ whether you can really learn something useful.(本题1.0分) A、 to be seen B、 to see C、 seen D、 seeing
The Town Council has spent a lot of money to ____________ this remarkable old building.(本题1.0分) A、 preserve B、 preview C、 prefer D、 present 学生答案: A
The majority of smokers say that they would like to ____________ the habit.(本题1.0分) A、 sweep B、 flatter C、 quit D、 release
____________ the pilots’ strike, all flights have had to be cancelled.(本题1.0分) A、 As a result of B、 With the result that C、 Result in D、 Result from
Be quiet ____________ you should wake the baby.(本题1.0分) A、 in any case B、 in case C、 in case of D、 in no case
I can’t ____________ time away from my work.(本题1.0分) A、 entertain B、 contain C、 soothe D、 spare
In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they ____________.(本题1.0分) A、 have survived B、 are to survive C、 would survive D、 will survive
____________ other games, this one isn’t very interesting.(本题1.0分) A、 In comparison with B、 by comparison to C、 For comparison with D、 In comparison
The school sees its job as preparing students to make a contribution ____________ society.(本题1.0分) A、 to B、 in C、 for D、 throughout