[单选题,8.3分] 生产技术的改进将: A.会提高均衡价格 B.使供给曲线向左移动 C.使供给曲线向右移动 D.使需求曲线向左移动
[单选题,8.3分] 其他条件不变,如果价格变动会导致总收入向反方向变动,则需求 A.完全缺乏价格弹性 B.富有价格弹性 C.具有单位价格弹性 D.缺乏价格弹性
[单选题,8.3分] 中央集权的计划经济制度是 A.集中决策的制度 B.分散决策的制度 C.企业自行选择最优方案的制度 D.分散决策为主,集中决策为辅的制度
[单选题,8.3分] 在其他条件不变的情况下,普通商品的价格越高则 A.需求量越大 B.需求量不变 C.供给量越大 D.供给量越小
[单选题,8.3分] 经济学所说的稀缺性是指 A.资源绝对数量太少了 B.资源相对于人类欲望而言太少了 C.资源相对于人口的数量而言太少了 D.资源分配不公,总是被少数人占有,而大多数人缺乏足够的资源
[单选题,8.3分] 一种商品价格下降对其互补品最直接的影响是 A.互补品的需求量增加 B.互补品的需求曲线向右移动 C.互补品的供给曲线向右移动 D.互补品的价格下降
[单选题,8.3分] 如果某商品的收入弹性大于零,则表明该商品是 A.正常商品 B.低档品 C.劣质品 D.吉芬商品
Ever since the invention of television there hasn.t been anything as begging to become a ________ as the Internet. A.means B.medium C.material D.media
He was knocked down by a car and badly ________. A.injured B.damaged C.harmed D.ruined
The Argentine icebreaker Almirante Irizar, which left Buenos Aires on Tuesday, is expected to join the South African rescuers within 10 days to clear a path for the ________ ship to leave. A.tramped B.trapped C.wrapped D.snapped
Autumn.s parents didn.t permit her to date and insisted Autumn ________ Japanese school on Saturdays. A.attend B.attends C.attending D.to attend
That matter is so _______ that it must not be discussed outside this office. A.confidential B.private C.confident D.mysterious
More than 100 fire-fighters ________ Florida blaze on Monday. A.fiddled with B.helped with C.collided with D.struggled with