1.We have been preparing our fighters to adjust themselves____civil society. A. to B. in C. through D. with
2.I have made up my mind to go back to____I lived when I was young to work. A. which B. where C. who D. what
3.If I had known my life was going to____like this,.I would have let them help me. A. turn in B. turn up C. turn on D. turn out
4.We know that we stand on others shoulder and____we make progress. A.inch by inch B.hand in hand C.face to face D.side by side
5.The boy____a cigarette in the bathroom by his mother. A.caught smoking B.was caught smoking C. caught to smoke D. was caught to smoke
Comprehensive Exercise There are five incomplete sentences in the following passage.Read the passage and choose the word that best fits into the passage.Do remember each word can be used only once. A. For B.wonder C.numerous D. up E. issued Many Americans still _____1 whether honesty was an important part of the American Character. ______2 that reason,there are ______3 watch-dog committees at all levels of society.Although signs of dishonesty in school,business,and government seem much more numerous in recent years than in the past,could it be that we are getting better at revealing such dishonesty? Some evidence is ______4 that dishonesty may ebb and flow.When times are hard,incidents of theft and cheating usually go ______5.And when times get better such incidents tend to go down.
Translation Please translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1.Before long,the men put barriers around their living space. 2.Unfortunately they do not turn out to be more creative;they only feel that way. 3.You will make mistakes if you do things in a hurry. 4.When the car stopped in the town square,it was surrounded by soldiers. 5.If not,could you adjust your job so that they do?
Vocabulary and Structure Please complete the following sentences with the proper forms of the words given. 1.What____us most was his performance in the play.(impression) 2.The object of this society is to perfect its members____and scientifically.(practical) 3._____help from others can make this easier.(enlist) 4.He was____from public employment.(discharge) 5.We can certify his_____.(honest)
Translation I believe honesty is one of the greatest gifts there is.It.s still what makes a man a good citizen.I try to act toward others like I think God wants me to act.I have been trying this for a long time,and the longer I try,the easier it gets.
1. -Why don’t we go to see a film now? --______ A.What are you talking about? B.I am tied up. C.What a delightful idea. D.I don.t want to go with you.
2.-It would be great if you can play cards with us tomorrow. --______ A.I.d love to.Where shall we meet? B.I am not OK with that. C.Who do we play with? D.That is a piece of cake.
3.-I am leaving for Harbin tomorrow.Do you want to go with me! --______ A.Have a good time. B.Thank you.I.d love to. C. I have no idea. D.Not at all.
4.-We plan to go out for picnic next weekend.Would you like to come along? --______ A.Enjoy yourself. B.You are welcome. C.It doesn.t matter. D.I wish I could,but I.ve already fixed something up.
5.-Shall I give you a ride as you look so tired? -Thank you._____ A.It.s your duty. B.Don.t mention it. C.Do as you like. D.It couldn.t be better.
1. The old men and the children must____in our country. A.take good care B.be taken good care C.take care of D.be taken care of