How was your trip to Paris, Mary? ____________ (A)Oh, wonderful indeed. (B)I went there alone. (C)The guide showed me the way. (D)By plane and by bus.
Why not go and have dinner in a restaurant? ____________ It.s too expensive. (A)Why not? (B)I agree. (C)I am afraid not. (D)I.m sure.
Haven.t seen you for ages! What are you busy doing now? ____________ (A)I hate the weather here. (B)My hair is getting a bit longer. (C)I am working part time in a bookshop, you know. (D)Yeah, thanks for coming.
Unbelievable! I have failed my final exam for mathematics! ____________ (A)Good luck. (B)Cheer up. (C)Go ahead. (D)No problem.
There were two small rooms in the house, _______ served as a bathroom. (A)the smaller of which (B)the smallest of which (C)the smallest of them (D)smallest of that
Happy New Year to you. ____________ (A)The same to you. (B)Yes, I am happy. (C)What about you. (D)Very well, thanks.
Hi, welcome back! Had a nice trip? ____________ (A)Oh, fantastic! Fresh air, and sunshine every day. (B)Come on, I.ve got lots of fun. (C)By the way, I don.t like Saturdays. (D)Well, I.ll look forward to your phone call.
Thank you ever so much for the scarf you bought me. ____________ (A)No thanks. (B)No, it.s not so good. (C)I.m glad you like it. (D)Please don.t say so.
I.m sorry to break your glasses. ____________ (A)It doesn.t matter. (B)What a pity! I.m sorry. (C)The same to you. (D)Thanks.
Haven.t seen you for ages. Let.s have a dinner together this weekend. ____________ (A)Yes, of course. (B)Welcome! (C)No, thanks. (D)Great idea!
Thanks, you saved my daughter.s life! ____________ (A)Oh, I.m afraid I didn.t do well enough. (B)No problem. (C)I.m glad I could help. (D)It.s not necessary for you to say so.
I doubt whether the Chinese Football Team can win the game this time. ____________ (A)That.s true. (B)It.s hard to say. (C)I like the team. (D)I don.t believe it.
Andy, ____________ ? Oh, that.s my father! And beside him, my mother. (A)What is the person over there (B)Who.s talking over there (C)What are they doing (D)Which is that
Why not join us in baseball? ____________ (A)Ok. I.m coming. (B)You do the same. (C)Don.t mention it. (D)That.s alright.
Hi, Peter, how is everything with you? ____________ (A)Don.t mention it. (B)Pretty fast. (C)Thanks. (D)Hm, not too bad.