[填空题,3.3分] 有一个数据表其一行有5KB,有10000行数据,那么我们至少需要______M的数据库空间。
[填空题,3.3分] SQLServer的两种授权模式分别为___________和_____________。
[填空题,3.3分] 每个允许有_______个簇索引,___________索引是SQLServer默认选择。
[填空题,3.3分] Transact-SQL 语言包含_________语言,_________语言,_________语言。
[填空题,3.3分] 关系R是1NF,当且仅当所有的基础域仅包含________。
[填空题,3.3分] 消除列重复的关键字是_________,使用_________操作符从多个查询中创建单结果集,提交一个事务的语句为________ 。
[填空题,4.3分] 主关键字应该具有________性,__________性,__________性。
(单选题) ( )The weather changes______ the season.(本题3.0分) A、 by B、 with C、 for D、 from
(单选题) The faster anything goes up into the sky, _________.( )(本题3.0分) A、 it reaches the highest B、 it reaches the higher C、 the highest it reaches D、 the higher it reaches
(单选题) ( )They could hardly believe what he said, _________.(本题3.0分) A、 so could I B、 neither couldn’t I C、 neither could I D、 neither I could
(单选题) ( )You may borrow this book_________ you promise to give it back.(本题3.0分) A、 in case B、 so long as C、 as if D、 even if
(单选题) ( )The doctor_________ him to eat less meat.(本题3.0分) A、 hopes B、 suggests C、 insists D、 advises
(单选题) His_________ is so great that money doesn’t mean much to him. (本题3.0分) A、 idea B、 richness C、 health D、 wealth
(单选题) As a rule, domestic servants doing odd jobs are paid_____.(本题3.0分) A、 by the hour B、 by hour C、 by an hour D、 by hours
Our teacher spent a few minutes listing the advantages of e-mail.(本题6.0分)