This book is written from the _______of the French.(本题1.5分) A、 mind B、 idea C、 perspective D、 opinion
The instant _______ I saw him, I knew he was the man from the restaurant.(本题1.5分) A、 when B、 while C、 × D、 then
It looks _______ everyone else has gone home.(本题1.5分) A、 as though B、 even though C、 even if D、 though
That.s the way _______ the world worked.(本题1.5分) A、 which B、 how C、 in that D、 ×
He believes his project (项目) is _______ in Northern Ireland.(本题1.5分) A、 only B、 mere C、 unique D、 the only
This unique and _______ volume gives you much fun and many insights (启迪).(本题1.5分) A、 invaluable B、 valueless C、 numerous D、 valuable
Well, _______, he shouldn.t even have been driving my car.(本题1.5分) A、 in short B、 to begin with C、 after all D、 at all
She finally allowed the band(乐队)_______.(本题1.5分) A、 try on B、 try in C、 try out D、 try for
One of his jokes, _______ I didn.t really get it.(本题1.5分) A、 for B、 since C、 when D、 though
It is a _______ and difficult time for me.(本题1.5分) A、 frustrating B、 frustration C、 frustrated D、 frustrate
We are playing a trick on a man who keeps _______ me.(本题1.5分) A、 to bother B、 bother C、 bothering D、 bothered
Her high voice really _______ Maria.(本题1.5分) A、 irritated B、 angry C、 irritating D、 anger
The child showed great capacity _______ language learning.(本题1.5分) A、 for B、 in C、 to D、 with
He was _______ a line of slow-moving traffic.(本题1.5分) A、 lost in B、 interested in C、 indulged in D、 stuck in
His drinking had got _______.(本题1.5分) A、 off hand B、 on hand C、 to hand D、 out of hand