原文: And in summer the river didn’t run at all above ground. 译文:夏天河水根本不在地面上流。
原文:There are three main groups of oils:animal,vegetable and mineral. 译文:有三组主要的油:动物油,植物油,矿物油。
原文:The other fork of the road — the one “less traveled by” — offers our last,our only chance to reach a destination that assures the preservation of our earth. 译文:另外一条路,是一条“走得不多”的路,是我们最后的路,也是唯一的出路,以便我们达到一定的目的,使我们这个地球确实得到保护。
原文: No household can get on without it,for it is used in cooking. 译文:没有家庭可以没有它而继续生活,因为做饭的时候就要用它。
原文: There is a lot of luck in drilling for oil. 译文:钻探石油有很大的运气。
原文: In many cases states have followed suit by setting their own tough standards of air, water and land use. 译文:各州也追随效尤,纷纷提出其对利用空气、水和土地的严格标准。
原文: If our two people are enemies the future of this world we share together is dark indeed. 译文:如果我们两国人民互相为敌,那么我们共同分享的这个世界的前途就的确很暗淡。
原文: To the ordinary man,one kind of oil may be as important as another. 译文:对一般人来说,一种油可能与另一种油可能同样重要的。
原文: we have times in the past been enemies. We have great differences today. 译文:过去有时我们曾是敌人。今天我们有许多不同。
原文: When I finally succeeded in making the letters correctly I was flushed with childish pleasure and pride. 译文:我终于把这几个字母写对了,这时我感到天真的愉快和骄傲。
原文: I was at once interested in this finger play and tried to imitate it. 译文:我马上对这种用手指在手心里写字的游戏产生了兴趣,接着就模仿起它来。
原文: Before 1760, it was standard to take work to villagers in their own homes. 译文:在1760年以前,把工作交给村民,让他们在家里干是标准。
原文:我从头到脚都淋成落汤鸡了。 译文:I was drenched from head to foot like a drowned cock.
原文: 过了几个月,回信来了,两人都被吸收为正式党员,但朱德的党籍对外界保持秘密。译文:When the reply came a few months later they were enrolled as full members, but Chu.s membership was kept a secret from outside.
原文: ……可供养鱼的稻田670万公顷,利用率仅为15%。译文:About 6.70 million ha of rice fields can use for fish breeding, but the utilization rate at sent is only 15 percent.