The manager urged his staff not to the splendid opportunity.
A. get B. escape
C. miss

Without good budget management, you are likely to overspend on marketing
accidentally.15 Here are three steps that help to make a good marketing budget.

Step 1:Organize financial information
The first step is to be clear of your current financial situation.You need to know how much money your company makes monthly and the changes that might arise in the future. Although income flows change throughout the year,you must organize the information based on reliable revenue - the minimum amount of money your company makes each
A realistic budget plan will always focus on the income that exceeds the expenses,17 not the total revenue that comes in. When you have determined the amount of disposable income
available for the company,you should determine where the money will go.
Step 2:Determine where you want to spend marketing funds
After you know the total amount available to spend on marketing,the next step is how you plan to spend that money. Three main factors decide how you spend marketing funds:
the budget amount,your past experiences,and where you can reach the right audience.
You will start organizing how to spend the funds based on the amount. Besides,you need to consider the strategies that have worked in the past. Also, you need consider which
marketing channels will allow you to reach the right audience.
Step 3:Assess data and make appropriate changes
The final step in building a good marketing budget is the analysis of the plan and any changes that may improve revenue. Ultimately,marketing is designed to bring in extra revenue.18 If the activity does not bring in any additional revenue over its cost,then it is
better to change strategy and try something else.
Assessing the data is a vital part of creating an effective marketing strategy. 19 Evaluation begins with comparing past performance to the performance after marketing the
product or services.
However,a good budget alone is not enough. You have to take action and remain committed to following through your plan. By keeping the budget in mind when you make decisions,you will have the opportunity to work out different strategies to find the best
solutions for your business goals and prevent overspending on marketing.

21.What should the budget plan be based on?
A. The company.s reliable expense.
B. The company.s reliable income.
C. The company.s reliable cost.
22. What does“disposable income”mean in paragraph 3?
A. Total income. B. Previous income.
C. Net income.
23.You have to be clear of when organizing financial information.
A. the income and expenses B. the marketing fund
C. the budget management
24.The three main factors that decide how you spend marketing funds are
A. the money you have earned, the actual expenses and the money you will expend
B. the budget amount,your past experiences and where you can reach the
right audience
C. the assets you have,the product and the income
25.Keeping the budget in mind when making marketing decisions will avoid
A. using less than you earn B. using money unnecessarily
C. using more than you earn

I think the most terrible thing in life for my little brother is getting up in the morning.
He is almost sick when my mother calls,“Herbert!It.s seven o.clock! Get up!”
Herbert answers,“I.m coming!”and goes right back to sleep. I.m not at all like my brother. I don.t like to go to bed at night but I don.t mind getting up in the morning.I usually wake up before my mother calls me.I jump out of bed and go into the bathroom to take a shower. I get dressed, brush my teeth, comb my hair, and get ready to go downstairs
for breakfast as soon as my mother calls.

But not Herbert. He just sleeps. A military band (军乐队)in our bedroom could not wake him up. I call him and say,“Get up! Mum will be up here to pull you out of bed if you
don.t get up immediately!”
But he just sleeps. After calling a few more times my mother has to come upstairs and pull Herbert out of bed. It.s that way every day with my little brother. Perhaps someday
he.ll learn to get up on time,but I really don.t think so.
26. The most terrible thing in life for my little brother is going to school.
27.When mother calls,Herbert doesn.t answer and remains in bed.
28.My mother often has to pull Herbert out of bed as he refuses to get up.
29. Sometimes we have to send for a military band to wake Herbert up.
30. The writer thinks someday Herbert will learn to get up on time.

以秘书张强的名义,给Sam Smith 写一份电话留言。
出访时间:4月11 日,星期二
航 班 号 :CZ3590
访问意图:Mr James将于下周到Sam Smith的办公室洽谈一项新的技术开发项目,询问
对方时间是否合适,如果时间不合适,请Sam Smith 回电话。

I wish you success in your career.

A. Go ahead.
B. It doesn.t matter.
C. The same to you.

I.m more than happy to go out this weekend.
We.ve got so much work to do at that time,
A. Don.t worry.
B. Forget it.
C. Don.t say so.

It.s getting dark. I.m afraid I must be off now.

— OK.
A. Take it easy,
B. Go slowly.
C. See you,

What do you think about Japanese food?

A. Overall,the diet there is a healthy one—— low fat.
B. Public environment has been greatly improved.
C. I didn.t have much time to prepare food,so I ate out a lot.

— Fire,fire service please! There.s a huge fire here.
A. 911,how may I direct your call?
B. How may I help you?
C. What can I do for you?

Under no circumstance to tell lies to parents.

A. children are allowed B. are children allowed
C. will children allow

.I a book when the telephone
A. was reading …rang B. read …rang

C. was reading …was ringing

This is the man last night.
A. whom I saw him B. whom I saw

C. which I saw him

.I don.t like ice-cream,she doesn.t like it,
A. either B. neither

C. none

He will write to me as soon as he home.
A. will have returned B. returns
C. will return

.I bought a new car last month,but I my old car yet,

A. did not sell B. have not sold
C. had not sold